Chapter 50

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Aleena's POV:

"Are you sure" Donatello's grip on my waist intensified.

I nodded "I am. I think it's time we do this right don't you?" Looking up to meet his beautiful stare.

"Yes" he breathed out pulling me closer until our chest touched. A hand travelled all the way up to my cheek pulling it towards his lips.

His tongue began poking at my borders stroking the outline of my lips as if asking for permission.

I slightly opened my mouth letting him in. His tongue licked the top of my mouth finding it's way to my tongue so they could dance together.

He let out a gruff noise as I pulled away for air.

"God I wanna fuck you so bad" his words lingered around my ears sending shivers down my spine to that sacred place.

"Wasn't last night enough" I laughed pulling his head closer to my shoulder.

"With you, never" biting my shoulder.


The house looked the exact same, nothing had changed from the outside just like it hadn't changed from inside.

Lucia greeted us at the door wrapping her soft hands around my neck "I'm glad you're back" feeling her grin on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I whispered "I'm sorry for treating you the way I did a couple of months ago".

"It wasn't your fault" she mumbled "so there's  nothing to forgive".

Releasing each other, I gave her a peck in the cheek watching as she moved to embrace her older brother. Donatello gave her one big squeeze before releasing her to pick up masons car seat.

"I have something to sure you" he bent his head tickling me with his words, I nodded and followed him up the flight of stairs.

He stopped at a door, turning around to see if I was with him and when he met my familiar face he opened the door.

Inside was a nursery for mason. The walls a pale blue colour filled with dangling clouds. In the corner lay a rocking chair and shelf stacked with different books and across that was a cot bed. Toys were splayed on each corner suitable for his age.

My heart felt like it would leap out of my chest "thank you" words could barely contain how happy I was.

This happiness didn't feel real at the moment, it felt as if I blinked once it would all go away and I waited for that to happen. Anxiously waiting for someone who would steal this away from me, but at this moment they never came.

"It's beautiful" I praised looking at each detail, imagining mason inside.

"I'm glad you like it" Donatello mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I want a new beginning" kissing my neck.

"I want that too"


Days had gone by since I had returned to the house. I didn't know if I could have missed it so much but I did, I really did miss this place.

Me and Lucia would still plan things we could do with mason now included. It was like nothing had change.

The air had gotten warmer, so we would spend most of our days outside in the shade.

From time to time I would feel Donatello staring outside watching from the window.

Donatello POV:

Everything was perfect.

It almost felt like everything was complete, the only thing that was asking her to be my wife.

Not just for masons safety but because I honestly loved this woman and I was a fool for not figuring it out long enough.

I was the a moron for thinking that I could never have this, for thinking I didn't need it, when in fact this small family that we had created was the only thing I needed.

Tonight I thought. Tonight I would propose, tonight I was going to ask her to my wife.

As the moon took over the sky, with both laid in bed exhausted from our couple rounds of sex. Her head rest on my chest as she yarned, her curly hair all over the place.

My hands stroked her arms up and down while we stared at the wall in front of us "are you happy" I asked moving my head to look at her limp body.

"I'm getting there" she sighed nuzzling her head deeper into my chest.

"If I asked you to marry me what would you say" I randomly put it out there. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I wanted to make her my wife as soon as possible.

Aleena only shrugged "I'd probably say yes, why?" She got up to look at me, her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Do you want me to ask you properly" placing my hands on her cheeks "if I got down one knee right now and asked"

"Are you serious" the look of shock etching her angelic features.

"Marry me, Aleena" pulling her head closer to mine. I rested my forehead on top of hers waiting for an answer.

"No" she breathed out a small laugh coming out of her lips.

My eyes opened for a moment watching as she laughed "what do you mean no?" Arching my brow.

"You have to ask me properly. You know get on one knee and all that cheesy stuff" her laughter filling the room.

"Are you seriously asking me to get changed just to get unchanged after you say yes"

"Mhm" she smirked.

Getting out of the bed, I picked up the discarded pants and shirt mumbling the whole way through.

I entered the walk in closet grabbing the ring a had bought a couple of days ago and returned. Aleena lazily leaned on her side, a huge grin on her face.

Getting on one knee in front of her I opened the small box presenting her with a ring "Aleena" I sighed "will you marry me"

"You have to do better then that" she groaned sitting up straight.

"How am I supposed to know how to do it, it's not like I've doing it before"

"Clearly" she mumbled to herself but I heard.

I got up from the floor pinning her down on the bed whilst she screeched. "You drive me crazy you know that. you drive me so mad that all I can think about it you and I love you so much it physically hurts"

Her hands moved to my jaw "I love you too" placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Marry me Aleena" I asked again.


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