chapter 8

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Donatello pov:

She was staring at me, her mouth wide open looking at the blood on my torso.

I had debated whether to change before I went to see her, but she needed to see who I am and what I do.

I needed to frighten her, and this did the job perfectly.

I could feel it around her, but for some reason I felt a tang of displeasure, I wanted the annoying version I had seen earlier but also the submissive.

"have you eaten?" I asked, I knew the answer it was right in front of my fucking eyes.

she stared at my shoes nodding. LOOK AT ME I wanted to yell at her, but I wouldn't , couldn't do it so I just nodded leaving the room.

"Donatello" I heard my sister say walking behind me as I headed to my office.

I needed to replace 2 of my members plus someone to fill in for the man in charge of shipments while he recovered.

"what is it, Lucia" I grumbled entering my office and pulled off my tie. "why are you keeping her here?" she questioned crossing her arms.

I moved towards the mini bar pouring myself whiskey.

"that's none of your concern" I moved towards my chair, I looked down at my shirt 'I really should have worn a black shirt' I thought. "of course, it is, she's my career, isn't she?"

"Lucia I'm not saying anything. Make sure to close the door on your way out".
End of discussion.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

She did this every time she wanted an answer, she knew she would not get. It never worked.

I rolled my eyes "out" I barked pointing at the door.

She flipped her hair at my direction, slamming the door.

What was it with slamming doors? I leaned back swivelling the drink in my hand. This was not going to end well, and I knew it.

Picking up my phone I dialled Luca. "yes" he said casually. "I need you to do something".

I sat there at the dinning table with my iPad in my hand looking through my emails while the news played in the background.

Lucia sat next to me eating her scrambled eggs while she gave me the skin eye.

I sighed "what it is?" meeting her gaze.

She shrugged and carried on eating her breakfast.

I heard light padding moving towards the dining room. I looked up and saw Aleena walking towards Lucia giving her a small smile before sitting next to her.

I liked that she made herself at home even if she only arrived no, was dragged here yesterday.

I guess it sunk in her head she was not going anywhere. She sat their staring at the food in front of her.

"I might be running home late today" I said to Lucia acting like Aleena was wallpaper but fuck, she was far from that.

Her hair was tied up into a messy bun, she wore a short blue dress that was covered in small dandelions that was given to her by Miguel, her cheeks were tainted pink and I wanted to know what else made her blush.

I had sent Miguel to get more clothes seen as though he had a wife and daughter and knew more about these things than me.

When I had told him his job for today.

He gave me a look that would make people run but not me, I gave him my card and he was off.

I cleared my throat "I've told Miguel to bring you new clothes" I drank my remaining coffee.

"it's not coming out of my pay check" she said before shutting her mouth as fast as she possibly could.

I smirked to myself. "of course, not" I said standing up patting Lucia on the head knowing she hated it and headed upstairs to change for a meeting that would most likely end like they always do.


Aleena pov:

When I entered the dining room I instantly froze, he was sat there in sweats and his torso bare, slouching on the chair while he scrolled through his iPad.

I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat then moved towards his sister trying not to look at him.

I felt my cheeks blush and had to force my hand to stay on my lap trying not to touch them.

For a moment I had forgotten about who he is or what he does but the moment the brought up he might be late home, everything came back, and I stiffened in my chair.

After he had left, I began eating my breakfast thinking of something we can do today seen as though I have got nothing to do.

"do you not have school?" I questioned Lucia. She shook her head biting into the bacon "not today no. Donatello gave me the day off to keep you company" she snorted "funny isn't it, you came here to look after me".

A let a forced laugh trying to make it seem less awkward. "well then, what do you want to do?" I asked her but she only shrugged.

"alright then" I said getting out of my chair "what do you usually do?".

She wiped the crumbs off her face and got up to stand face to face with me. "I usually have training after I arrive home from school but...".

yeah, I got it.

"why not give me a tour of your house and I'll think of something".

She had first shown me downstairs, if you walked straight ahead from the entrance door there was an open living room and a bigger dinning room next to it.

There was a corridor near the stairs that led to a steel kitchen that could probably fit my apartment in it and storage room.

a pool room that Donatello only used for business or when his men came round and a smaller living room from yesterday and dining room we ate in today.

And a large pool when you walked outside the back covered with sitting decks around it.

At the far end was a huge green space with a river streaming down it.

At the top floor there were 15 bedrooms in total each with its own bathroom. We were not allowed in Donatello's room, but she showed me his office.

It was dark, painted dark grey giving off masculine vibes. A glass desk was in the center of the room with a black leather chair behind it.

A large sofa was placed against the wall with two armchairs on each side with a coffee table in the middle.

The windows were floor length and covered with black curtains. When we were done with the tour, we made our way back downstairs.

"I don't want to do this" Lucia groaned. "it'll be fun trust me" I said cracking eggs.

"we have people who do this". I stopped cracking the eggs and turned to face her.

"have you ever baked?" I questioned leaning against the counter.

"like I said, we have people for that".

I rolled my eyes heading to grab the flour. "you can't relay on everyone Lucia, give it a go" I said trying to reach the flour.

Who puts flour on the highest shelf?

"fine" I heard her mutter as she went to get the other ingredients. I let out a frustrating noise, standing on my tip toes I tried again.

Suddenly I felt a firm body press behind me, and I couldn't  move.

I saw strong hands grab the flour placing it on the counter, but I didn't turn around.

He placed both his hands on each side of me and leaned in close enough I felt his hot breath on my ear "Tesoro mio".

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