Chapter 49

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"Arch your back" Donatello instructed whilst I laid on my stomach trying to catch my breath. We had been doing this for hours but I wasn't going to complain.

I arched my back deepening it into the mattress whilst my knees tucked into my stomach.

"Pull your ass up for me love" his voice deep and musky wrapped with lust. I felt his warm hands plant themselves on each hip holding me in place as I lifted my behind.

His lips started there search again, travelling all the way up my spine kissing each scar, each pain.

With one swift movement he entered me, our voices moaned in harmony at the sensation. Donatello didn't move "it was like you were made for me" he groaned as he began moving, his rhythm slow penetrating me deeper than before.

"Perfect" a hand travelled its way to one of my breasts. I moaned at his touch, the way his hand fondled it tweaking it from time to time sending a bolt of pleasure straight to my already wet core.

His pace turned frantic gripping on to my waist tight as he plummeted himself deep inside "touch yourself" he said through slaps.

My hands travelled to my clit, slowly circling it "aah" my voice broke out feeling his hand snake around mine gripping it tight as he circled it around with me.

"God you're perfect" he praised thrusting in and out.

I was woke up by the sound of crying from the other room. Guessing by the time it was 5am and he was hungry.

Firm hands grip around my waste preventing me from getting up. I tried slowly releasing his arms just to have him throw them back on top of me.

"Donatello" I urged poking at his shoulder "let go, I need to go".

Donatello began stirring awake his hands still gripping on to my waist "what's wrong" his words filled with sleep.

"Masons crying, i need to go" finally pulling of his grip. I got up pulling up my dress having nothing else and made my way out.

I made it to my door listening to his screams intensifying breaking my heart. Quickly opening the door, I rushed towards him picking up his small body.

"I've got you" whispering in his ear trying to calm his cries whilst rocking his body from side to side.

My head felt heavy with sleep so I decided to rest on my bed. I placed my breast next to him to let him feed but there was so much pain from Donatello that I couldn't do it.

Getting up, I rushed downstairs to make him his formula. The crying returned as I waited for the kettle to boil until there was silence.

I rushed putting in the powder placing it cold water for it to cool and carrying it upstairs with me.

A small light glowed in my room finding Donatello with nothing but his boxers resting his head on the headboard rocking his son that the only sounds were low whimpers.

"Hand me the bottle" he asked trying to ease our son. I moved towards him handing him the lukewarm bottle watching him feed mason.

I took this as an opportunity to change into something comfy moving to sit besides them on the bed.

My eyes were constantly glued on the small boy, heart swelling with ease and joy.

"You should sleep" Donatello whispered "I kept you up most of the night" finishing his sentence with a smirk, I returned him an eye roll leading him to chuckle.

Feeling content that Donatello would take of mason, I rolled myself in a small ball besides them, my eyes drooping with sleep until I only saw black.

Donatello POV:

My heart stopped beating for a second afraid it would wake her up with how loud it beat in my chest.

I watched her chest rising and falling easing the worry that flowed in my mind. Worry about what would happen after this. What would happen when the sun is fully risen and we start our day.

My mind swam with different scenarios none of them ending the way I'd want them too and if I told her about the marriage it would sure tick her off.

We needed this to happen, the only way I could keep them safe is by doing this. It would make sure no one hurt her or my son, secure her a place besides me no one questioned but most importantly ensuring masons legitimacy as my son and future heir.

With those thoughts heavy on my mind, my eyes slowly began to close.

The bed was empty when I woke up, nothing but a bottle lay besides me, it had been a while since I was able to sleep like this.

Getting up a went to grab my clothes discarded in the other room. after putting them on I quickly washed my face and made my way down stairs where the smell of pastries wafted the place.

I found Aleena in the kitchen kneading dough while mason sat in his car seat playing with the small ornaments dangling down.

Walking behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist slightly startling her before she eased a bit. I rested my head on top of her shoulder watching as her skilful folding the corners.

"What are you doing" she smirked trying to concentrate on front of her, but my lips found there place below her ear nipping the sensitive spot.

"Donatello" she s screeched but I didn't stop, spinning her body around to face me and planting my lips on top of hers "good morning" I said in between pecks.

Her hands wrapped around my neck pulling me deeper I could feel the way her heart beat on my chest.

Finally letting go, her golden eyes bore in to mine both processing what was going on. This was something new for the both of us and I made it my business to do this every time we were together.

"I've made a decision" she announced and my body completely stood still.

"I think it's time to go home".

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