Chapter 47

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My body remained in place as Donatello moved to place the cups in the tray.

"Aleena? Are you alright?" He asked walking to my side. I took a couple of breaths before I turned to face him.

"I'm fine" placing a fake grin on my face moving my legs towards the living where mason lay playfully on the floor messing with the toys scattered at his side.

Donatello followed after putting down the tray of tea cups and tea pot.

I poured him a cup and handed him a scone. He took one drink and his face instantly changed into distain.

"What?" I frowned watching as he took another sip only to have him slightly spit it out.

"It's...nice" he lied.

I rolled my eyes moving to give him a scone "don't lie" I muttered putting the plate on his lap.

"Try this" I watched as he took a bite, then another. Why I am watching him eat? I thought shaking my head to sit back down.

"Ok this is really good" he praised taking another bite. "When did you learn how to bake.

Wiping the crumbs of my lap, I shrugged "my father used to own a bakery" the thought of my dad in the kitchen teaching 10 year old me flashed back in my mind creating a genuine smile.

"How's Lucia" I quickly changed subjects before he could ask anymore questions.

"She's fine. She misses you though" Donatello sighed

What about you? Do you miss me? I wanted to ask. Why did I want to ask that?

The room returned to its awkward self, nothing but the sound of masons gurgling.

"I should go" Donatello abruptly stood up. He bent down placing a soft kiss on his sons forehead before moving to the door.

I followed after "have a safe trip home" I whispered more to myself than him but he heard.

"Will do" he grinned "call me if you need anything"

"I will" I nodded watching as he left the small cottage.


For the past few weeks Donatello would come back and forth to check up on mason. He would sometimes stay around and just sit observing the 5month year old or sometimes he would start up conversation but that always ended in him leaving a short while after.

He never pressured me to return even though I could see the glint in his eyes and I appreciated it that he never brought it up. Donatello slowly began breaking down the hate I had for him and I didn't know whether I should be scared or great full.

From time to time I would caution my heart away from him, remembered that he was the main purpose of my suffering but every time he smiled and laughed at mason, every time he casually spoke about his day or what Lucia was up too, it seemed to calm my conscious.

I would sometimes catch myself staring at him trying to figure him out, trying to figure what ran through his mind but I never spoke up to ask.

My legs nervously shook waiting for his arrival. I decided to put a little effort in my appearance today wrapping my hair in a low elegant bun wearing a knee length silk flowy dress that hugged my torso.

Why I did it? I had no idea. It had been a while since I had properly seen myself in the mirror dressed properly.

I still couldn't look at my back or fingers when I was baking or getting changed in front of a mirror, but I was progressively getting better.

My mind rarely filled itself with torturous images of the warehouse and Viktor and my screaming at night became less frequent that I didn't wake mason up.

But I was getting better and that's all that mattered.

The door bell rang and my body instantly shot up moving itself to the door.

I opened it to find Donatello waiting a small bouquet of red roses in one hand while the other hand carried a bag.

"Hello" those words couldn't leave fast enough as I watched his eyes skim up and down my body.

"Hi" he grinned handing me the flowers "can I come in" he rose a brow and I quickly nodded moving for him to enter.

He walked to the living room the same place we stayed for the past few weeks.

"This is for mason" Donatello turned to my direction before he took his seat, the same seat he sat on these last few weeks.

"Thank you" I replied to him giving him another smile.

Donatello nodded watching mason trying to get himself up to crawl but he always failed " he's growing up really fast" he murmured.

"He is" i beamed.

"And you" Donatello spoke "you seem to have gotten a lot better, you look beautiful by the way"

I would have lied if I said that didn't make me blush, I could feel the heat crawling up my face as Donatello's eyes landed on mine, his finger tapping on the arm chair.

The next couple of hours went by smoothly. Donatello spent most of his time with mason while I spent mine in the kitchen pacing up and down.

Once I finally had the courage to get out, I headed back to the living room and the scene that lay in front of me caused my heart to melt to a pit in the middle of my stomach.

Donatello wrapped his hands around masons small body rocking him back and forth as he slept in his arms, his eyes fully concentrated on his son to even notice I had entered.

Eventually he looked up "where do you want me to place him" Donatello whispered afraid he would wake him up.

"Follow me" I instructed leading him up the stairs to the room I had been staying in.

Donatello gently placed mason in his rocking crib staring as his small chest raising and falling. "I should get going" he announced.

The moon has already appeared coating the sky in a black canvas.

Donatello began making his way down the stairs but I stopped him before he could open the door to leave.

"Why don't you stay here for the night".

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