chapter 4

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Aleena pov:

There was only silence throughout the whole car journey. I didn't dare speak, so I awkwardly sat waiting until we reached our destination.

Miguel sat in the front seat with the driver, while I sat fidgeting next to Donatello at the back. I stared outside of the window as we drove past building lights flashing before me.

Only when we reached the airport did I raise my head. "We're here" I heard but didn't move.

He repeated it again and again  I still  didn't move, sitting there staring out of the tinted window.

This time Donatello touched my shoulder, causing me to whip my head towards him, Noticing the grim look he had on his face.

"Get out of the car Aleena" he gritted out.

" What if I don't?" I said smugly.

"I guess I'll just have to carry you, again" he said moving towards me.

He leaned in preparing to pick me up But I placed both of my palms on his chest stopping him from coming any closer. His chest was rock solid, it felt indestructible on my palms. The shirt he was wearing stuck to him perfectly showing every muscle curve.

"Aleena?" I heard Donatello say pulling back to the moment.

"we are going to be late" his words agitated. I could feel the heat of his breath on my cheek.

I only nodded, opening the door feeling a slight breeze hit my face.

I didn't  know how red my cheek had gotten until I placed my hand on them feeling the coolness of my fingertips.

Miguel walked towards me after Donatello walked to the pilot " why are we outside near the tracks?" I said confused

"Where  going on a private jet," he chirped, hands in his pockets as he swinged back and forth on his heel.

He reached out his hand for me to grab, but anger took over me pushing his hand away, I walked towards the jet.

He tilted back his head, howling.

"I'm glad you find this funny," I snapped at him walking behind me.

I just wanted to go home. I wanted to grab the biggest blanket I had, buy a big tub of strawberry ice cream and sink into my sofa watching grey anatomy, but no, I decided to be brave and play a game I knew I couldn't win.

It was the most reckless thing I had ever done. I didn't know what took over me, maybe it was the fact I stayed in a two year relationship just to be cheated on, or maybe it was the small voice in my head encouraging me.

whatever it was I couldn't change what I had done.

a million questioned ran through my mind how will I explain this to my mother? what about my apartment? the job that I've been working so hard to get? all of it was gone.

I needed to find a way to escape him, anything to get out of his clutches.

After Donatello had finished speaking to the pilot, he walked towards me and Miguel telling us they were ready for take-off. without giving me a second glance.

As I walked behind both men, I could hear Donatello trying his best not to shout while Miguel patted his back, insuring him about whatever they discussed.

Of course, they spoke Italian.

When we entered we were greeted by two beautiful flight attendants one male the other female.

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