Chapter 31

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Donatello's POV:

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

The way it changed from complete awe to absolute dread. I could see she was fighting back the tears that slightly swelled in her eyes and it made me want to punch Miguel 10x over.

I shouldn't have listened to him, but he was right. That fucker was on to something and I had to prove it one way or another even if it meant hurting her.

She looked away. I watched as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Well isn't that great news" my mother stood up heading my way.

"Don't" I rose my head stopping her from moving any closer. The reason I was doing this was all because of her.


"What if you accept Viktors offer" Miguel proposed.

"Miguel I'm not-"

"i know what you're about to say" he said cutting me off "like you said, your mother keeps persisting to take his offer, she knows enough. Maybe she has ties to them?"

I slouched on my chair debating the decision. I didn't like that Miguel was right. If she was here for us, she wouldn't get involved, but she did, enough times for it to be suspicious.

"I'm not saying you should go through it all, just long enough until you have proof, I'm sure Aleena would understand".

Fuck. Aleena.

No part of me wanted to this, not in the slightest. I tangled myself up with her when I knew I shouldn't have and now. Now I was about to break whatever she had for me or even thought, all to prove some fucked up point.

I couldn't do that to her. I shouldn't even be considering this, but right now I'm finding myself contemplating if this is all necessary.


"Congratulations" I heard her soft voice, it stung through my chest.

I couldn't stop staring at her, even when Lucia came towards me, giving me a tight squeeze as she congratulated me, But all her words were blurry, I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying or what my mother was squealing in excitement about.

Aleena stood up, her eyes locked with the wall in front of her as she announced "I think I should leave you alone to celebrate". She said before disappearing.

Aleena's POV:

I should be happy, excited about this news. He would have to let me go and I'd be back home all alone in my apartment.

But a pang of pain hit my heart with each step I took up the stares, a piece of my heart laid behind.

After this morning, I could feel myself grow closer towards him, trust him. The problem with me would be I couldn't help but link my emotions to sex.

But I guess it was just sex for him. I was foolish, foolish for thinking that He could see me as more than his prisoner that he could do whatever he liked. Foolish for growing a place in my heart for him only for it to be broken.

I entered one of the guests rooms, locking myself in. Melting on the floor, I cuddled my knees as a small stream of tears ran down my face.

This shouldn't hurt as much, I barely knew him, barely saw him, but every time he was near me, touching me even talking to me I grew attached.  I didn't cry when I broke up with Jeremy so why should I feel this now.

Footsteps appeared outside the room, but they weren't heavy like his, they were soft and gentle instantly recognising it was Lucia.

"Aleena" she knocked on the door. "It's me Lucia, can I come in" her voice nearly a whisper.

I stood up wiping my face from any proof I was crying and opened the door.

She instantly threw her body towards me. Locking me inside a tight hug. I gripped her back feeling a sense of warmth in her choice.

It was stupid of me to rely on a 17 year old, but I did. I found comfort in her and the urge to protect and care for her each step of the way.

I bit my tongue, preventing any tears from flowing. I wouldn't let her see me like this, wouldn't let any of them.

"I'm sorry" she murmured in my chest.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, no one does" I said stroking her hair.

She looked up watching my expression as my cheeks grew red. "He's gone" she whispered "he left after you did"

"It's alright" my voice broke "how about if we have a sleepover?" I suggested, not wanting to share a room with him when he returned.

"Okay" she smiled and released her grip.


We both laid on her bed talking.

Before we made it to her room, I quickly went to change into my pyjamas, afraid he would enter, I took no longer then five minutes and rushed into Lucia's room.

"I think I like your brother a little too much" I murmured into her pillow. Embarrassed to say it out loud.

"I know" she smiled "I could tell by the way you look at him"

"I'm sorry" I apologised I didn't know why I was apologising, but maybe it was the fact that I came here no, dragged here to care for Lucia and ended up falling for Donatello.

"Like you said you have nothing to be sorry about" placing a hand on my arm.

We both stared at each other, saying nothing.

"Goodnight" I whispered as I watched sleep over take her.

"Goodnight" she yawned letting her eyes close shut with sleep.

I pulled the sheets up covering her arms as she rested.  Soon enough sleep invaded my mind and my eyes closed shut.

I woke up to the sound of loud banging coming from downstairs, my body shot up at the sound.

Looking around the room, I found Lucia resting peacefully. I turned to look at the clock that read 4:00am. Who could be up at this time. Deciding I should go and investigate.

I slowly got out of her bed making sure not to wake her up and left the room.

The banging carried on as I walked down the stares, a trail of blood trailing on the floor and panic began flooding my mind.

I rushed following the splotches that lead to the kitchen finding Donatello standing against the counter, a first aid kit in one hand while the other had an open cut in his palm.

"Oh god" I exclaimed " are you alright"

He whipped his head towards me, his face flushed "Aleena" he cheered.

"My goddess is here"

He was drunk.

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