chapter 3

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Aleena POV:

"Where are we going?" I breathed out trying to catch up to Miguel. He walks fast. "Well, we aren't going to play with these people, they're just too easy" he chuckled.

My legs started to hurt from all the walking I had to do with these stupid heels. Even though we weren't that far from the bar, my legs hurt from how fast I had to walk to catch up to this man.

We eventually stopped in front of two red leather doors. Staring at these doors, something told me it was wrong to go in, that this wasn't right. The small instinct in me told me to turn around and never look back. But before I could open my mouth to protest, Miguel pushed the doors open.

I was instantly hit by the smell of smoke mixed with strong cologne and old whiskey, the whole thing screaming wealth.

The room was dimly lit with playing tables scattered around the floor. It was packed with men, some no older than 25 others looked 40 or even older.  Making me feel out of place.

I had to stand on my tiptoes toes, even with my heels to reach his ears " are you sure I'm supposed to be in here" I whispered.

"You'll be fine," he answered.

I gave him a questionable look making him chuckle "Look-" but before he answered a man approached us.

He was attractive to say the least. The way he stood screamed power from across the room.

He had mid-length hair so black if I put my hands through it you would no longer see them and His eyes  the colour of blue sea that glistened in the dark room. His face was beautifully chiselled, sculpted perfectly. My eyes travelled down to his torso, His shirt was tight that you could see the outlines.

I didn't release I zoned out until I heard him say my name " Aleena" the sound of his deep voice shooting a shiver down my spine. " hello, Donatello" I returned .

Miguel clasped his hands together making me jump "let's get started shall we" placing his hand on my back directing me to a table full of men.

I sat in between Miguel and another man, who was clearly drunk by the way he smelt.

Donatello sat across from us "do you play" he questioned staring at me with a drill look.

"No," I answered shaking my head, "I'm here because apparently, I can bring Miguel some luck".

His laugh was deep "Miguel is a terrible player,  he needs all the luck he can get" he huffed.

"Hey" Miguel interrupted "that's only because I let you," he nudged my arm.

"Shall we begin?" the man at the head of the table announced while staring at me, his eyes traveling my body.


As the game carried on I learned two things. 1.You needed a royal flush to win or a higher number than your opponents. 2. Miguel is a terrible player.

"Would you like to play this round?" Donatello suggested.

I hesitated at first but accepted. There were no stakes for three rounds because it was my first time playing.

I lost all three of course but in the fourth round, Donatello decided to place a bet. "If you win I will give you half a million dollars and the money you win today" my eyes widened.

Five hundred thousand dollars!!! Holy shit, imagine all the things I could do with that money.

"But," he said interrupting my thoughts "if you lose" he paused shuffling the cards " you have to come and work for me " his lips curved into the devil's smile, his eyes remind on the cards as he continued to shuffle.

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