Chapter 33

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A week later

Aleena POV:

It had been a week of none stop preparations for Donatello's engagement party. Planners yelling from time to time reminding me that this was real, that I wasn't dreaming at all.

Donatello hadn't been home for the duration of the week. The only part of him was his shadow that visited outside Lucia's bedroom door just to leave a moment later.

I wanted to yell at him, tell him why he was doing this, why did he have to walk into my room that night and change everything. Because as much as I didn't want to admit it, a small part for Donatello rested in my heart. I wouldn't call it love because I barely knew him enough to label it that, but it was something, something bright that glowed every time he was present.

"The blue or red one" Lucia questioned reeling me back in from my trance. She rose a brow waiting for an answer.

"Gold" I smiled pointing at the dress hanging off her wardrobe. It was a gold mermaid styled dress with a love heart neckline covered with millions of tiny sequins.

Lucia eyed the dress for a moment "isn't it too much?" She hesitated for a moment.

"Nonsense" I stood up to grab it from the hanger "you'll look amazing, besides I'm sure your mother would go over top with her outfit"

She let out a nervous laugh eyeing the dress one more time before she nodded to herself grabbing the dress from my hand.

Donatello POV:

One week.

One fucking week.

I avoided going home at all costs, knowing if I saw her saddened face one more time, I would blow of this whole thing, so I stayed at one of the hotels I own, only returning when I needed a change in clothes.

But that was a lie, if I wanted clothes I would have simply bought new ones or would have asked Miguel to stop at the house and drop some off.
She was a magnet, I was too attached to her and that was the biggest problem.

My mother hadn't shown any signs of suspicion, but I was barely at home so how would I know. Every time I spoke to Lucia she was silent about the topic like she knew something and she's hiding it from me.

I would try later, but right now I needed to get ready for this fucking waste of a party because the moment I find out about her secret, the second I'm ripping that contract into pieces.

My mother stood behind me as we waited for viktor and his sister nadya to join. No one else would be joining them, I wouldn't allow it when we spoke over the phone.

The sound of laughing guests echoed through the foyer as they chatted away in the main room.

My phone buzzed informing me they were here and I let them in taking the same precautions I took the day they visited us the first time. The thought of keeping Lucia safe always on my mind.

The doors opened and in stepped viktor holding onto his sisters arm.

Nadya wore a cream silken dress that hugged her firgure perfectly. Her golden locks tied back into an elegant bun and the colour of crimson painted her lips.

I walked towards her picking up her available hand and placed a gentle kiss on top of it "Nadya" I tried to smile as I looked up but it never appeared.

Heels clicked from the top of the stairs and at that moment it felt like deja Vu.

We all turned like we did the first time we dined together and there stood Aleena looping onto Lucia's arm looking like she always did.

A goddess.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she descended down the stares wearing a too revealing dress for my liking. She wore a red sleeveless dress with a square neckline covered with sequins from head to toe. It had a full length slit revealing her golden leg with matching stilettos going with her big Hollywood curls and blood red lips.

Jealousy crawled underneath my skin at the thought of other men's eyes looking up and down at her. She was doing this on purpose. A way of revenge if you want to call it that and fuck, it was working.

I could feel my blood pressure spike with every step she took knowing they'd eat her alive wearing that. A hand tapped on my shoulder, I rotated my body finding Nadya behind me extending her arm for me to take.

Hesitantly I took it trying my best to make Aleena wallpaper, but fuck me I was finding it hard.

We all moved towards the main room hoping to get this over with and in an instant I was swarmed with relatives and close workers congratulating me on my engagement. I was hardly paying attention the only thing on my mind was Aleena and she had disappeared.

My eyes narrowed to my mother. I found her talking to Viktor looking a bit too comfortable. She smiled and when she laughed her hand grazed against his arm setting off something.

"Congratulations" Miguel interrupting my thoughts. My fist clenched besides my thighs, the urge to punch him was slim.

"Fuck you Miguel" I snarled turning to walk away, but as always her followed.

His laughed echoed in my ear " it's for a good cause, you wanted to see what your mother was up too and this was the opportunity"

"And what shall we do when he decides to start a war over a broken contract what then?" I whisper yelled making sure no one besides us heard.

Miguel just shrugged "we can think about that when the time comes, but for now focus on your mother"

But I couldn't, the only person I could focus on was Aleena.

"Any news"

He shook his head "it's like she never existed, any trails that lead towards her are blank"

"Keep looking" I instructed before leaving his side.

The sound of her laughter echoed through the room. I scanned the area finding her surrounded by one of my captains and loyal guards. Her hand remained linked with Lucia's as they talked.

Right then I wanted to send two bullets flying there way for each person that looked in her direction.

Her eyes began to wonder until they landed on mine. I saw her back instantly straighten just as she turned to one of my men giving him a seductive grin.

Aleena knew what she was doing and I couldn't stand the sight.

She grabbed his arm leading him towards the dance floor and all I could see was red. How badly I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck like she wrapped her arms around it.

My knuckles cracked eyeing the sway of her hips or the small laugh out of her mouth every time they turned.

I needed a drink.

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