Chapter 14

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Donatello POV:

Me and Miguel waited in the foyer, waiting for our guests.

Miguel had instructed Aleena and Lucia to stay in the room, until Antonio or himself called for them.

I would do everything in my power to keep my sister safe. after our mother had left us straight after she was born and my father being too busy traveling to meetings, I stayed at home and cared for her at the age of 11.

she's nearly 17, even now I don't want her to see the life that she had to grow up in.

A buzz from my phone told me they were here, looking down i saw a black BMW drive up.

Three of my men and woman stood outside, searching them for any weapons or substances that could cause us harm.

My phone rang and I gave them the clear to let them in.

I headed towards the door with two guns on each side of my waist covered by my Armani blazer.

I wore an all black suit just in case things got...messy, I've ruined enough shirts to last me a year and the amount I payed was getting ridiculous, so I opted for black every time I thought there was going to be bloodshed.

The doors swung open and Viktor and his sister stepped in.

The smirk on his face already made my blood boil.

I turned my head to look at his sister. At least she was pleasant to look at.

She had pin straight blond hair that ended near her hips and brown eyes. She was a pale bony thing, with big tits and a round ass.

She wore a red fitted dress that tried to show off her curves but failed. Lips painted red and when she smiled, her Pearl white teeth flashed.

she looked like every mans dream woman, except mine. there's only one flavour I wanted to taste and she was currently upstairs.

"Donatello" Viktor greeted me with his thick Russian accent. I just stared at him, the urge to  just shoot him right here was very tempting, i could feel my fingers twitch. " nice" he looked around "house" he finished with a grin. I snarled.

"This is my sister, Nadya" he said inclining his head towards her.

She gave me a small yet flirtatious grin.

I lowered my head in greeting. " a pleasure to meet you" she said, her voice like a siren calling to the sailors, yet she had a slim chance of luring me into her trap.

The sound of heels caused all our heads to look up, where Lucia and fuck. Aleena stood there playing with her fingers. I swore that, that beating organ in my chest sped up. The sight of her long black dress, with a deep v neckline and halter split. I fisted my hands, resisting the urge to slide my hands up her bare thighs.

i discreetly shook my head, erasing the memories that led my cock throbbing and uncomfortable.

she slowly descended down the stairs with Lucia trailing after her who wore her favourite colour, pink.

she had her arms linked around Antonio's grinning at him with a slight blush.

my eyes narrowed.

Aleena POV:

Each step I took was like a year being taken off my life, my hands became clammy as I walked down, Lucia trailing after me with Antonio.

when he saw her, it was as if she revolved around him and nothing else mattered, making my heart swell.

Jeremy had never looked at me like that, never. a tang of jealousy coated my tongue, but I brushed it off and moved on.

Donatello stood there, pristine and beautiful like always, his eyes travelled along my body causing a shiver to climb my spine.

our eyes met, his lips slightly parting but instantly closed it as if he wanted to say something. he then frowned.

'do you not like it'. i wanted to tell him as if his opinion mattered. it didn't. I wasn't dressing up for him, I wasn't dressing up for anyone other than myself and the fact that Miguel had bought the most prettiest dresses that i had to try before I left this place. even if it was growing on me.

behind him stood a tall man and woman. the former giving me the devils grin and the latter looking like she's going to rip me apart.

they both had blonde hair, the males nearly white. he had blue eyes. not like Donatello's, his was a darker, Persian blue.

a visible scar the colour red ran from the top of his brow to the bottom of his lips, like a mark from lucifer himself. he was tall but not as tall as Donatello, maybe just a few inches shorter.

his sister I was guessing, was also tall like a model. her eyes where the colour of wood and her hair was the sun. her body was the dream most girls wanted. hell even I wanted that body. the dress hugged her figure perfectly and matched the red lipstick she was wearing.

" this is Aleena" I heard Donatello tell his guests, if you could call them that. they were more like a business deal.

one Donatello clearly wanted to kill.

the man walked towards me, he gave donatello a side eye before he turned and picked my hand up and placed a gentle kiss. "i'm viktor" his mouth twisted "it's a pleasure".

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