Chapter 25

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Aleena POV:

I sat alone in the dinning room. Lucia had decided that she and her mother would eat alone in her room to get to know each other more.

I hadn't seen her since I came to visit her room.

After I had finished eating my meal I decided it was time to rest, seen as though I had nothing to do.

Walking past Lucia's room I could hear the faint laughter and giggles that she surrounded herself with. A small smile blossomed on my face. I was happy she became more relaxed after the events of her birthday.

I made it my room only to remember this wasn't mine anymore, I had been moved to stay with Donatello.

A part of me itched at the thought of sleeping with him. I knew that wasn't the only thing we would be doing and I wouldn't deny it as much as I wanted to.

Excitement rested low in my stomach. Sex with Donatello was something new. Never have I felt a connection with someone like I had one with him.

I simply wasn't going to stop him from doing it again because every part of me enjoyed it and I wasn't going to deny myself that. No matter how long I stayed here.

I entered his room, black covered every corner finding it difficult to see anything. I switched the light beside and made my way to a small cupboard where the majority of my clothes lay.

I threw off the shirt I was wearing leaving me only in a bra knowing he wouldn't be home till late. I prodded towards the bathroom, finding packs of toothbrushes. I used one to brush my teeth. Releasing my hair from my ponytail, I washed my face and made my way back out.

My body halted at the site of him standing in front of me. He ice stare moving down my body travelling all the way up until they landed on my eyes.

"Oh I thought you wouldn't be home" I stuttered, steadily walking towards the cupboard.

"Change of plans" he sighed through his nose.

He began walking towards me, I could see the tick in his jaw with ever step.

I grab a shirt, but was instantly snatched off me by big warm hands. Turning to find Donatello gripping the shirt his eyes with predatory intent.

Without a seconds thought, I reached his collar dragging him in for kiss.

He snaked both his hands around my waist tightly gripping on to them. I knew they'd leave a bruise in the morning.

His tongue danced with mine as we moved to his bed . His body caging mine.

"Fuck" Our hips joined together. He began grinding his bulge on my sensitive nerves.

"I've been waiting all day to fuck your tight cunt" he groaned in my mouth. My panties becoming wetter.

He moved a hand in my shorts, two fingers began rubbing up and down through my panties. "You're so wet". He hissed moving the panties to the side, placing a finger deep inside of me.

My back arched at the sensation of his finger deep inside. Inviting a small moan to escape my lips.

His tongue began trailing all the way down to my neck. Nipping and kissing each spot. He would gaze his teeth all the way down my throat.

Donatello put another finger inside of me, curling them at the perfect spot. " play with yourself" he whispered in my ear.

"What" I barely let out. My mind was everywhere.

"Touch yourself" his other hand moved to cup my breast.

I travelled one hand down, until it met my clit. Slowly circling it as he picked up the pace.

I could feel my body closer to the edge. "Donatello" I chanted his name the closer I got.

"Hold it" he nipped my ear.

"I can't" I whimpered.

"You can and you will" snarling back. He removed his fingers from inside of me. Frustration clouded my mind at the feel of his abstain fingers.

I opened my eyes to find Donatello standing up. He yanked my shorts and panties off causing me to Yelp. All that remained was my bra.

He quickly pulled down his suit pants and briefs, his cock springing free. He removed his buttoned shirt with one fast move, standing in front of me completely naked.

He lay back on top of me, levelling his cock near my entrance.

I barely let out a breath before he plunged deep inside of me.

"Aaah" escaped from my lips. It felt as though my eyes would roll to the back of my head.

"You're so tight" he groaned his thrusting became frantic. "Perfect".

He picked up the pace, the sound of wet flesh slapping and low moans filled the room. I was on the edge again, I could feel I was close.

"Donatello" I bit my lip as a warning.

"Hold it" he commanded, his face concentrated on me. He looked down to see where we were connected, so did I. The image causing me to lose my mind even more.

His panting became gruffer and I knew he was close too.

"Come for me"

I cried out his name relieved.

a few seconds later I could feel Donatello filling me up. His body collapsing onto mine. "Are you ok?" He murmured in the crook of my neck.

I nodded still high off the orgasm.

We lay there for a few minutes trying to catch our breaths. Donatello slowly released his cock from inside of me. I winced a little at the small pain I felt.

He stood up and headed towards the bathroom. I heard the bath running and sighed plopping my head back down.

To my surprise Donatello returned. Still naked, he wrapped his arm around my legs picking me up.

"What are you doing" I screeched into his chest.

"We need to clean up" he said into my hair.

I felt as though my heart would explode at that moment.

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