Chapter 22

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Donatello's POV:
The bed felt emptier than before and I didn't like it one bit.

I didn't have an ounce of regret on what just happened.

It felt freeing to finally touch her, taste her. The problem was I wanted, needed more of her. My appetite for her body wasn't fulfilled in the slightest.

I turned and opened my eyes to find Aleena no where in sight "aleena!" I yelled thinking she was in the shower.

No reply came. A small part of me began to panic.

There was no way she left the house, security would have informed me if someone had left and where would she go? She has no one outside of this house.

I got up, putting on the suit pants that I had worn last night, forgetting the shirt.

I was beginning to feel too much and hated every bit of it. But when it came to that damn woman, I was thinking and feeling ways that I despised with every atom.

I checked the time on the nightstand it read 7:00am and stormed my way out of the room.

I searched all the guests room.

My mind swam with dread. Every time a opened a door and she wasn't there, I felt like losing it.

Soon I was outside Lucia's room.

I took a deep breathe, not letting the rage that I felt inside of me take over, gently opened the door.

Letting out a huge sigh, I leaned against the door and watched as Lucia had her body draped over aleena.

I tang of jealousy coated my tongue, but quickly pushed it away. I'm not going to be jealous of my sister.

Shaking my head, I slowly closed the door and headed to my room.


After I took a quick shower I made my way to my office, deciding now was the best time to check up on some business contracts that needed sorting out.

Every time I closed my eyes for a few seconds or even zoned out, aleena's face would always show up unwanted.

I could hear her light moans, I could feel the way she clung onto my body, I could see how she stared at me every time I thrusted into her.

I'm fucked.

A knock came from the door and a small part inside of me lit up thinking it was Aleena.

I straightened my suit jacket "come in" I said trying to sound uninterested.

"Donatello" I heard and that spark instantly died.

"What do you want, Miguel" trying to hide my agitated voice.

"Don't you remember?"

"Don't I remember what?" I looked up from my work .

" your sisters family dinner party?" He rose a brow.

"Of course I do" I lied.

"at the moment that's not important, shut the door on your way out" returning to my work.

" have you thought about it?" Miguel moved until he stood in front of my desk.

"Miguel, you need to be more clearer on what I have thought about. Maybe tell me first then ask if I have"

" what's gotten up your ass" he snorted, a small smile dancing on his face.

"Nothing, now what is it" my patience was thinning, I saw Miguel as my brother, he's been by my side ever since we were children but sometimes he liked to push my buttons and ever since Aleena came into the picture that's all he's been doing.

" viktor's offer"

A bitter laugh escaped my lips " no I haven't and why should I. He wants to make peace with me, yet in order to do that I need to give him access to Boston in America plus marry his sister. It's not happening."

"He could start a war you know" Miguel frowned looking down at the scattered documents.

He picked up the contract viktor had given me the night he came.

"You have some perks too" he mumbled reading the sheet of paper.

"Information on any new drugs, 10% shipment shares in Russia. It doesn't seem bad" he said placing the paper down.

I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my face with my hands "I'll look further into the deal" I said to him, even though I knew marrying viktors sister would never happen.

I wasn't a man who planned on getting married and having children, and I still held onto that decision.

"Shall we go down then" he smiled.

I nodded "let's go".


We made our way into the living room where everyone sat waiting.

By everyone I meant Lucia, angelina and Aleena.

I had other family members, however I had little faith and trust in them.

If I was to die one of them would inherit everything and without an heir, any of my cousins could claim my position. So I tended not to invite them to intimate gathering in case one tried to poison or kill me.

I walked towards angelina, kissing both her cheeks "still in there?" I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes " the little monster isn't planning on coming out anytime soon" rubbing her swollen stomach.

I walked to Lucia, but she began slowly shaking her head, showing me she was mad. Mad about what ?

I gave her a small smile and headed to Aleena.

The beating organ in my chest began to speed up at the sight of her, but she wouldn't look up instead she was fumbling with her fingers.

A bit of anger flared inside of me why won't you look at me. I wanted to ask her.

"Aleena" I whispered, standing in front of her.

"Hello, Donatello" the words barely leaving her lips.

"Did you sleep well" I asked her, a small smirk appearing on my face as I remembered what happened.

"Perfectly well thank you" she slowly looked up to meet my gaze.

My brows furrowed together, her eyes were lightly pink and puffy. Were you crying?

I wanted to hold her, but didn't dare move any closer .

We all sat in the living room, watching Lucia open the gifts she had received yesterday and today from Miguel and Angelina.

"Thank you" she mumbled but I could tell her smile and laughter were fake.

From time to time I would catch Aleena staring at me. Sometimes for long minutes, other times they were quick glances.

My phone buzzed notifying me that I had a visitor, but the security at the door hadn't informed me who.

Someone knocked on the door and Aleena instantly shot up "I'll get it" she announced hurrying to the foyer.

"Is she alright" Miguel leaned forward to whisper.

"I don't know" narrowing my eyes.

The sound of heels grew louder and louder until a tall, lean woman stood in front of the door.

My body instantly tensed, being met with ice blue eyes.

"Mommy's home" my mother grinned.

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