Chapter 41

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Donatello's POV:

As expected, Viktor's guards swarmed around the house.

We didn't give it much thought to how many there were, the only goal set in my mind was to get my son back as safe as possible and into the arms of his mothers.

Lucia had called me a couple minutes ago confirming that Aleena had woken up bringing back a piece of hope inside of me. Maybe she'll forgive me for what happened to her, just maybe but knowing that she couldn't rested on my mind.

We had all parked our vehicles just a few miles away from his home to go undetected and carried on foot. Some headed different directions aiming for the back while the others marched with me.

At the sound of our footsteps, his men had their guns pointed at our direction and began firing away.

The sound of guns firing at each other covered the smoked filled sky. The distant yelling of orders from each out rang out, instructing and demanding one another.

"I'm going in!" I yelled at the few at my side, informing them to move forward towards the house gates.

Raising both guns at each side, I aimed for the enemy making sure they head no chance of survival.

My legs moved into a sprint towards the double doors while the scene out outside the gates took place.

Two men stood inside waiting and I couldn't help by inwardly curse at myself, I should have waited for someone to catch up, but with the adrenaline and pure rage that pumped through my veins, I gave it no thought.

They both leaped my direction, one hitting the gun out of my hand, fortunately I held onto the other and shot the bastard in the eye while the other tried punching my face landing a heavy blow.

Blood started to leak from my mouth but I ignored it having only one topic in mind. Regaining from the punch, I pistol whipped the asshole causing his huge body to thump on the ground.

My leg began stamping on his head uncontrollably while the scene from outside grew nearer and nearer.

A gun glowed In his hoister and I took the opportunity to take it giving him two bullet wounds in his legs before ending his life with a bullet to his head.

My eyes aimed for the stairs. Running up them with the very thought of making pay for what he had done.

I opened each door finding them empty and my stomach started to coil in dread with each empty room.

"FUCK!" I heaved finding the last door at the end of the corridor empty. I ran back down stares nothing but his men remained at the house.

"WHERE IS HE!" I yelled to no one in particular.

I walked outside to the bloody scene, searching for one of his men that still remained to give me answers.

One lay on the floor trying to crawl inside but I stepped on his hand preventing him from walking any further. He let out a low groan from the pain in his legs and now hands.

I crouched down to his level trying to avoid the blood that covered the ground and his body "where's Viktor" I questioned the dying thing.

"Fuck you" her replied back so I placed a gun on top of his head. His breathing grew faster and louder.

"I won't ask again where is he"

His eyes landed on the gun at the top of his head then back to me. The wheels in his head turning for the right answer. He would die either way.

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