Chapter 38

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Aleena's POV:

When I found out I was pregnant I wanted to cry, I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide somewhere secluded and far away from everyone.

I wanted to rip the small thing out of me as fast as possible. With this child in my life I was now bound to a man who's work I couldn't stand but I still loved. Trapped in fear and pressure.

A nurse arrived when my water broke, it all happened so fast I couldn't process what was going on. One minute I was pushing for dear life the next I holding the small joy in my hands.

When looked at him  for the first I couldn't hate him, felt ashamed that I did. That I even tried finding ways of getting rid of him and just the thought caused bile to raise.

But that all ended when viktor appeared in front of me, urging the nurse to take him away from me. I gripped on to his small body so tight  but that all came to naught.

I remembered crying endlessly each passing day to see him. Screaming at the guards to let me seen my son. Once I even threw a fork at viktor, but that only ended up with a new slash on my back.

Some times I thought that maybe I deserve this. I never wanted him in the first pace and the heavens have only answered my first wish from taking that small babe away from me.

One day Nadya walked in. I thought she would come to gloat how she stole the man i had opened up to and now the child I never got to see.

She came in offering me a small piece of his hair inside a necklace wrapped around a cloth. The moment I saw the brown almost black hair I wanted to scream down these damned wall just to his face one more time.

Nadya regularly came in to check on my health and inform me about my sons progress. His first smile, first laugh even his first cry. I never got to experience it. It was ripped and destroyed the moment I met Donatello.

If I had never met him, I would have met a nice man who would  work a considerable job, maybe own a cat. Then we would get married in a museum or even in the living room. Then maybe in five or ten years time I would give birth to beautiful children. Watch them grow up to be civil people in society but that was all gone the moment I met his blue eyes.

I want to hate him, hate that he brought me here. Destroyed all possibility that I could have a normal life, all sanity I had left but I couldn't as much as I chanted it in my mind I couldn't.

Every night I would chant I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

Enough that one day maybe it'll come true.

Donatello's POV:

"All that she has said is confirmed" Luca informed bringing in a file full of previous actions and photographic evidence.

I slouched in my seat exhausted from this. My teeth ground together thinking that it had been one fucking year and only now are they picking this up.

"Haa..." I laughed at my stupidity. She would have been here. She would probably be with Lucia planning on the day she had planned or in the kitchen baking something for Miguel.

"This is all fucked up" I rubbed my hands on my face "are you sure the woman you paid checked everything? What was her name again?"

"Kiera" Luca injected "and yes I am, she trusts her men and I trust her enough to get it done" his voice lowered at the last words.

He had changed since he met her. I could see it every time her name echoed in a room, how his body stiffened when I asked about her skills and techniques.

Truly, Luca seemed to have calmed slightly, let his guard slip just enough for her to squeeze herself in, and I didn't know if I should praise the woman or stay cautious. Luca needed to remain the blood thirsty man I met and I didn't know if this change was good.

"Send her my thanks" I spoke " the names of her children what are they"

I wouldn't label them as my siblings because my mother was never my mother. To me she was dead the day she walked away, choosing a love for a man than her own children.

"Sophia and Harris. The girl is turning 15 but the boy is still young turning 11 next year" he finished.

"Try and bring them too me, kill their father anything, just make sure you both bring them back alive without a scratch"

He would kill my children. My mother's words rang around my mind

"He would kill the only thing I love"

"Are we not enough" (Donatello)

" I never saw you as mine. There would never be a day I would claim you as mine not matter what blood runs through you"

"Likewise" a huge grin sprawled on my face "now if you want to keep your children safe listen very very carefully.
First I want you to phone Viktor make up some excuse to meet with Aleena"

"Are you-"

"Shut up. Second I want to know about all his transactions and meetings because I plan on ruining each and everyone"

"Then and only then would I debate on letting your kids leave. Some limbs might be missing, but a mother's love is a powerful thing. You wouldn't mind if they had no access to their thumbs".


"You swear what huh." I waited for her reply but she never gave one "that's what I thought. Luca drag her back to her room".

I wasn't actually planning on harming the children, I just wanted to scare her enough to to see if she actually plans on doing that I had instructed.

My mind kept lapping with images of Aleena. What was she doing these past months, what were they doing to her?

I promised deep inside that I would kill anyone who brought harm to her. For each of her bruises, each of her dispear, I would execute each and every man or woman.

But first I needed to start off with one.


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