Chapter 40

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Donatello POV:

I was a father.

I fucking father and I didn't even know it.

All this time while she was kidnapped she had been pregnant with my child.

A sea of guilt and dread rushed to the core of my body hitting me at full force. My mind couldn't wrap the idea around it.

I looked down at her broken body as she lay unconscious in one of the guest rooms. Lucia gripped onto her hand in silent prayer whilst her eyes flowed with unstoppable tears. The scene I stared at caused a numbness in my heart.

I wasn't able to erase the scene from before and now I was unable to see this. The sound of the monitors the only thing I could hear, the doctors words and instructions didn't seem to stay with me as he talked about her condition.

"When will she wake up" I interrupted his speech

"It's unclear at the moment. With the damage that she has taken to her head, it could be a couple of hours or even weeks" he explained "the best thing to do is to monitor her heart rate, look for any signs of movement".

I gave him a Curt nod before turning my gave to Lucia "I'll be out for a few minutes, keep an eye on her" I asked giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

My legs forcefully moved out of the room. I didn't want to leave her, I didn't want to leave this house but I had business to take off and the quicker I get that done the faster I can return.


We had placed Nadya in one of the guests bedrooms unable to find anywhere to place her at the very moment she arrived.

"Is this really necessary" she held up the hand cuffed to the bed.

"Where is the child" I got to the point hating the sound of her voice that echoed in this room too small for my liking.

"Well hello to you too" she mumbled out sighing.

"I don't have all day, where is my child?"

"You have a son by the way" she informed like that was any way better "and as for that question. I have Noooo idea"

My steps strode to her, anger circling my body as I knelt down and tightly gripped her chin "don't bullshit me Nadya, I'm this close to shipping your body back to Russia"

She made a clicking sound with her tongue "instead of threatening me you should be thankful I brought Aleena back"

"Like I said early" she carried on "I have no idea, my brother got to him before we had the chance"

I had to change my whole plan now that Aleena had returned, changing it into the mission of bringing back my son.

My nose flared as I released her chin, standing up to leave the room.


I watched as Miguel's mouth slacked up in disbelief at the news I had brought to him.

He shook his head from left to right mumbling 'well shit' with each of his steps to the seat in front of my desk.

"What do you want us to do with your mother and her children" he questioned still processing the news I had given him.

"Tell Luca to forget about them and arrange a flight to Russia tonight, bring serval of my men, have them armoured to the brim we'll attack at dawn"

"And your mother?"

There was nothing much I could do with that woman, I couldn't, I mean I could kill her but I didn't want her children to endure the same fate as me and Lucia. At least let them be happy they have a mother that cared for them.

"Let her go" I sighed hating that those words left my mouth "maybe give her new husband a good beat for measures, but other than that let her go with covalence"

Miguel gave me a nod before disappearing out of the door with the instructions I had given him.

After a while of sorting a few stuff with the men around me, I headed back to Aleena's room hoping that she would be awake by now, but when there was no sign of movement my hope instantly sank into a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

"No change?" I questioned Lucia and she only shook her head.

Tonight i will leave. I spoke those words in my head as if I was speaking them to her. Tonight I would leave and bring back our child no matter what it takes.

Please I squeezed my eyes just tight please Tesoro mio wake up.

Once I finally opened my eyes, I walked towards her body and kissed her forehead.
"I don't know when I'll return" I spoke to Lucia without looking at her.

"I don't know when I'll return, just make sure you are safe, you'll have Luca at the house when he returns so if you need anything ask him" I finally looked at her swollen eyes and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise".


After the long journey, we finally arrived at Russia where thick breeze greeted us. The men around me formed a circle going through the plan I had in store.

"It's 4am here so theres likely going to be less guards around his house and if they're shoot them I don't care. Don't and I don't know who much times I need to make this clear, don't touch a single hair on the maids heads, if I find out one of you assholes have, there will be dire consequences do you understand?"

They all nodded in unison.

"To of you will stay by my side while we hunt for viktor and the rest you know what to do".

I instructed them on even more information before we all entered the cars we were given.

My thoughts kept running laps in my mind as we made it to viktors ware shouts, the blood in my bones wouldn't stop bubbling and my hands were shaking with rage.

I'll make this better I thought to myself. I'll make sure he regrets the day he ever laid a finger on you.

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