Chapter 37

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Nadya's POV:

I walked home after my visit with Aleena unbothered if my brother had men following me, he would find out that I was there by his loyal men who kept guard.

The house was eerily quiet today, there was no sounds of a baby crying no nannies running up and down the flights of stars trying to hush the cries of a babe wanting it's mother's touch.

"Doesn't he look exactly like him" my brother laughed from behind, startling me. "His eyes are the same colour!" He broke out hysterically.

I turned to find viktor holding the small child no older than 3months, it's small frame perfectly fitting my brothers arm.

He looked away from the baby to meet my stare "where were you?" He questioned as if he didn't already know the answer.

I rolled my eyes "don't ask like you don't already know".

"Careful Nadya" Viktor warned "now tell me what you find so interesting about Donatello's little whore"

I couldn't stand the site him, the same look as my father. The one with anger embarked in every feature.

My eyes darted at the small child in his arms. Why was he holding him?

"I was trying to get some information out of her" I lied "it seems she really does know nothing about Donatello's business or anything at all."

I moved closer to him, trying to take the baby out of his hands.

"Is that so" he replied and I took another step toward "did she mention anything at all about him?"

"No, she didn't" another step. My hands so close I could almost feel it's warmth.

"Very well" he shrugged loosing his arm, I rushed to wrap my arms around Aleena's child, my heart beating uncontrollably. If I hadn't took those steps closer...

The baby cooed in my grip it's arms making a grabbing gesture informing me it was hungry.

"I don't know why you bother with that thing" Viktor scoffed "it's not like it's going to see his parents, might as well bury him with them when the time comes".

He turned to leave and I couldn't be more relieved.

"I promise" I began talking to the small thing. His hand tightly gripping onto my finger "you'll get to see mama soon and when you do, I'll make sure to put mean old Viktor where he truly belongs".


"It's here madam" Sacha walked into my Room whilst I lay on my bed beside baby Donatello holding onto the bottle.

She walked closer with two firmly sealed envelopes in her hand moving to hand them to me.

"Did anyone question what was inside" I interrogated. You could never be too careful with what you carry whilst leaving under the roof of a maniac.

She shook her head in answer.

Opening it up, I found two passports. One for me and another for Aleena. If my plan was going to work I couldn't take the private jet, they would have to inform him before they took off.

"Thank you" I said to the maid before she bowed her head and left.

I stood up crouching to the socket besides my bed. With one gentle pull, it revealed a safe behind it where I stored all my valuables from Viktor.

Tomorrow I thought. Tomorrow would be the last day I would put up with this.

Tomorrow I would finally leave.

Donatello's POV:

My mother sat strapped in a chair inside Aleena's old room.

The results of the test came back negative as expected which led to her bullshit to crumble beneath her.

She had kept her mouth shut the whole time since we found out this lie and now me, Miguel and Luca stood waiting for her calls to be tracked.

"Just tell us why and maybe just maybe I won't cut those precious little fingers off" Luca threatened.

He wasn't a man to back down on his threats always seeing them out until the end.

"Give it up mother, face that whatever you planned on doing failed" I commented.

"I'm not your mother" she practically spat those words into my face. Did they faze me? Not one fucking bit.

"I let this go on for one fucking year, one year of listening to you're bullshit, ONE FUCKING YEAR WHERE LUCIA HAS BEEN SCARED SHITLESS BECUASE OF YOUR PRESENCE" I couldn't hide the anger that bubbled in my throat.

The pure hated I had for this woman was unbelievable, especially when it's your own mother "now you'll tell you me where they're keeping Aleena, then you can tell me what involvement you have with Viktor".

The silence grew louder.

"That's it" Luca informed from behind me, pliers in his hand as he walked up to the middle aged woman.

He picked up her finger, giving her a second to speak before he did what he had always done.

"He wants" she slowly began to panic "he wants to rule over" finally blurting out.

"And why on earth would you help him" my brows arched up truly curious about what involvement she had.

"I married his uncle".

28years ago*

"I never loved your father nor Viktors, it was always him, Adrian.
When I was first introduced to my fiancé (viktors father), he wasn't gentle in the eyes like Adrian he didn't have a beautiful smile like him either.
No he was a selfish bastard who thought only to manipulate my father.
I was 17 when I was promised to the bratva. To a man who took pleasure in torturing other females for his own benefit.
Those times I cried no one heard me except him.
Adrien was there when I was afraid, he was there when my own family had forgotten about me and left me to rot in that hell hole before the wedding.

Then one morning before the wedding your father decided it was best to kidnap me. Force me into another marriage and produce heirs, all out of spite.

I didn't want this, I didn't ask for any of this to happen. The only thing I wanted was Adrian and I couldn't have him.

Everytime I look at you, I see my freedom gone. Shackled to you and Lucia in a cage of your fathers doing.

One day I got a call a couple of days after Lucia was born.
It was him.
It was Adrian and he whispered in my ear all the ways he could help me escape. A family I could start with him far away from everyone.

But love makes a man or woman do stupid things. He never loved me like I loved him. I'm sure I have a small part in his heart for me, but power takes that all away.

Now if I don't do what he or Viktor asks of me, he would kill my children."

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