Chapter 48

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"What" he slowly turned around to face me.

"Just... it's too late to go home..I mean you don't have too" I couldn't control the stutter in my words or how my hands shook with nerves.

"You know what, forget-"

"I'll stay" Donatello interrupted turning his body completely to face me. His hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

I nodded to myself moving to the stairs, hearing his steps behind me caused jitters to crawl my spine.

Leading him to one of the guests room, I could feel his body near mine. The hairs on my neck standing from his presence.

We reached the room my hands trembling as I turned the door knob inviting him inside. He was everywhere and all I could think or even feel was him as he turned to examine the bed.

We hadn't uttered words to each other since I stopped him from leaving, I didn't know what else to say, wouldn't explain why I wanted him to stay. So I did the next best thing.

I showed him.

Taking small steps at a time, I stood in front of him, my breaths coming shorter by what I was about to do.

It had been long too long and I wasn't going to back down now.

Donatello did nothing, only stood still watching my every move. He made no attempt to do anything so I took this chance and grabbed his collar gently lowering him to meet my gaze.

My face neared his, the look of his ice blue hues observing my features letting out a shiver nearing my lips to his.

I grazed them once, twice before placing them together.

We both took our time processing what I was doing as both remained still. None daring to take another step.

I released my lips on his and planted another kiss. This time on the corner then another on the other side until they finally met in the middle again.

"Can I wrap my arms around you" Donatello murmured waiting for me to answer. I gave him a gentle nod before he proceeded to wrap his firm hands around my waist slightly tightening his grip, but I didn't complain. I only stared watching as his head lowering to my mouth marking it with his.

We began moving them creating a secret performance between the two of us, something sacred.

I felt his tongue prod at my mouth to open up waiting for an invitation which I eventually gave. Feeling how it marked the inside claiming it as his with every stroke every fondle, it was completely his.

My hands travelled up his neck, the same familiar path leading to the mound on top of his head i entwined my fingers with securing him in place.

Donatello loosened his grip around my waist moving his larger hands to my shoulders as he moved me back closer to the bed.

We finally released each other, watching as both our breaths rose and fell on the same beat.

"Turn around" Donatello's lust filled voice instructed and I followed turning so my back was near his chest.

I felt his cool hands skim the top of my dress finding it's way to my zipper as he ever so delicately unzipped my dress. I could barely feel his hands run up the expose area dropping the straps to my side.

My whole body stiffened with realisation, that he would see my scars and run, finding my back hideous with the markings of the devil.

Suddenly I could just feel his warm lips press gentle covering each spot.

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