chapter 7

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Aleena's pov:

my heart was uncontrollably beating, I could hear the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP through my ears.

what just happened.

I couldn't wrap my head around what happened an hour ago.

taking slow breaths, I paced through the bedroom back and forth biting my nails. it was an awful habit; one I couldn't stop.

I needed to leave, there was no way in hell I was staying with this man. bet or not. I'll find a way to pay him but not this, I couldn't live here with that man.

After he left, I quickly ran up the stairs into the room I was given, trying hard not to burst into tears, he's not worth my tears those words constantly looped in my mind.

I decided to get in the shower and try to wipe away the last 24 hours of my life away as best as I possibly could causing my skin to go red.

I left my hair dry and cleaned my body with the soap I had found inside the counter's cabinet.

After I dried myself, I opened the bag Miguel had given me and took out grey sweats and a white t-shirt.

I grabbed my phone and saw 5 missed calls and 20 messages from Jeremy. Rolling my eyes, I deleted his number from my phone. I needed to phone my mother to let her know where I am.

I'll come up with some sort of excuse to explain why I am Italy.

its not like she would care anyways the only times I would see her were on holidays and even then, I came up with excuses not to attend.

after my father had died when I was 13, my mother had married again to a man named Salvatore.

he ignored me never acknowledging my presence and when he did, he always had a disdain look on his face and when my mother had given him his first son, my mother began to ignore me too trying to keep the white picket fence image.

She only ever remembered me when she needed something or to baby sit while her and her new husband enjoyed a night out.

When I turned 18, I took a flight to Las Vegas with the money my father had left for me. It was a spontaneous decision; I didn't plan where I would be going and hoped for the best.

I worked in a small book shop earning me enough to feed myself and put clothes on my back and I still left some of the money from my father to pay for my college tuition where I studied criminology. Ironic really.

a knock came from my door and My gaze instantly shot up from my bed afraid it was Donatello.

The knock was gentle and just audible "come in" I said loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear.

The door opened and I slightly relaxed.

Lucia entered with a tray filled with a plate and water.

I gave her a weary smile and watched her place the food on the nightstand. "thank you" I whispered.

she nodded and began walking away "wait" I said causing her turn " do you want to join? I don't want to be alone".

she smiled at me " I'll grab my food from downstairs".

Ten minutes had gone by and she had returned with her food.

We both placed the trays on the floor and sat their legs crossed staring at the floor not wanting to be the first to speak.

Lucia cleared her throat "I'm sorry about my brother" she said.

It was barely a whisper, but I heard.

An exhausted sound left my mouth "it's alright, I'm the stupid one for getting myself tangled with the wrong people, no offence" I finished.

She gave me a small smile. "so, where are you from?" she said picking up her fork poking the lasagne.

I did the same, I was too hungry, I had forgotten the last time I had eaten "I'm from Michigan but moved to Las Vegas when I was 18" I said shoving a mouthful of lasagne.

"why" she looked at me curiously.

"well, my mother got remarried and the man she married, we did not get a long and after she had her first son, she started to forget about me, so I decided to leave" Swallowing the last sentence.

She stared at me giving me a pitying look. My nose scrunched. I hated pity.

"how about you" I tried to relieve the tension from the room.

She began biting her bottom lip "my papa was killed by the bratva 5 years ago and my mama. All I know is my mama is alive somewhere only Donatello knows where she is".

What is the bratva? I looked down at my food, I wanted to comfort her, but I did not know how. "I think we should eat this before it gets cold" I suggested, and she nodded for an answer.

We ate in silence not knowing what else to say to each other.

This was the girl I was supposed to get to know yet I could not even start a sentence. Maybe I could get another job to try and help me pay my ticket out of here.

The entrance door swung open and a loud thud was heard from the room that you could here the chandelier shaking.

My body instantly froze. He was home.

We heard the click of his shoes as he took steps and instant panic flooded me. This man was crazy, his threat still lingered causing a shiver up my spine.

Lucia saw the fear in my eyes and gave my hand a tight squeeze "he's not as bad as you think" but before I could replay the door swung open and out stood Donatello.

My eyes widened when I noticed the blood splattered on his was white shirt and specks of blood trickled down to his shoes, his hair was out of place as if he had run his fingers threw it multiple times and had an exhausted yet bored look on his face.

He looked to where I was gazing and frowned at it as if he had only spilt ketchup on his shirt.

My eyes trailed the rest of his body until they landed his eyes, those pale blue eyes that showed nothing.

I instantly looked down when I noticed he was staring at me, trying to figure me out.

This man was going to kill me.

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