Chapter 19

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Aleena POV:

It had been three weeks since the last time I saw Donatello.

He needed to fly over to Japan to negotiate some deals with the Japanese mafia. That is what he told Lucia, then she told me.

A small part of me missed him while he was gone, I tried pushing that feeling away but it always returned.

Every time Lucia returned from school she dreaded going to training.

she hated attending her usual training lesson and would always come back in a grumpy mood.

Antonio no longer was allowed to train of even breath in her direction, without Donatello threatening to murder him.

"Come on" I urged her to get off the bed.

"No, leave me alone" she groaned, her face planted in the pillow.

"You wanted this party, it's happening" the bed dipped as I sat on it.

I grabbed her shoulders turning her around so she faced me.

Every since Antonio was no longer aloud to see Lucia, she's been less motivated to do things and has lost all encouragement to do anything.

Damn, Donatello.

"I don't want to do this" she kept bickering, it was driving me mad.

There is no way I'm putting up with this for the rest of my stay, fuck that.

"Lucia" finally having enough "get your ass up now or I swear I'll throw a bucket of water on your head"

"Fine, fine. Geez" she got up. Putting on slippers.

"You should be happy" I chirped "your finally turning 17 don't let a single man or your brother ruin it for you" getting up to follow her.

"I know" she whispered.

"Come on, let's go downstairs".

I linked my arm with hers making our way to the living room, avoiding all the decorators and planners.

We entered the small living room where the seamstress stood waiting for us.

She was an middle aged woman in her early fifties. A stern look plastered her face making her look angry all the time. In reality she was the sweetest person I had met.

"Ready to try on your dress dear" she smiled at Lucia who gave her a less then happy smile in return.

After the not so peaceful party she had with her classmates, which were all female as she went to an all girls school.

Lucia woke up the next day looking like a complete mess.

"Happy birthday" I sang walking into her room with a cake I had woken up early to bake for her.

She began groaning, lifting her head to see who it was, then slumped back down in her pillow.

"Happy birthday to you" I began moving closer and closer. "Happy birthday to you" a laughing muffle came from her pillow "happy birthday to Lucia, happy birthday to you" I carried out the last word.

She got up in a sitting position, her eyes still groggy from sleep. "What is this?" She smiled.

"A cake of course" looking down at my effort.

"In the morning?" Raising her brow.

"It's your big day so why not" a sat on the edge of the bed placing the cake on her cover while I lit the candles.

"Make a wish" I whispered.

She looked at me in utter confusion.

"blow them out" I encouraged

When she did, I cheered for her.

"How do you feel about your party?" I asked

She shrugged, going to lick the buttercream from the top of the cake.

"You'll be amazing" encouraging her.

"I'm just glad Donatello returns home today" she smiled at me.

Butterflies danced in my stomach at the thought of him returning. I couldn't make out the emotion I was feeling but it wasn't unwanted.

"Let's get you ready then" I bounced up pulling her with me.

A hair dresser and makeup artist had arrived  hours later to work on Lucia.

Her hair was in a low elegant bun, a few pieces were out of place making the look even better.

The makeup artist applied light makeup on her exentuating her facial features, you could still see her freckles making her look beautiful.

She finally wore her dress that was absolutely breathtaking.

She wore a peach coloured long dress, that hugged her torso and flowed into the floor. It was a simple dress at the front with small rime stones covered her waist flowing down like small raindrops. The back was an open back covered by small straps.

"You look beautiful" I stood there admiring how pretty she was.

"So do you" she said reaching out my hand.

I wore a navy blue mermaid dress with two small spaghetti straps holding it up. My hair remained down straight. I wore simple makeup nothing more than mascara and red lipstick.

"Lucia are you ready" a deep voice came from downstairs.

My heart beat stopped for a moment, stood there frozen in place.

He's back

I continuously repeated in my head.

"Aleena are you ready?" Lucia said next to me linking our arms.

Donatello POV:

It had been three weeks since the last time I had seen her.

A problem had occurred with our Japanese allies that need urgent attention causing me and Miguel to fly out the next morning.

There was always this small itch at the back of my mind while I was in Japan knowing she wasn't near me.

I tried getting laid while I was there, but every time I brought a woman back to the hotel I always seemed to turn her down after.

It wasn't that I didn't want to have sex. It was the fact that she always lingered in my mind, no matter what I did she was there.

On our way back I couldn't help ignore the slight burn in my chest knowing I would see her.

So when the plane landed I rushed to one of my hotels to change and made my way home.

Here she was looking absolutely breathtaking. My heart swelling at the sight.

She looked down as she descended down the stares, her arm linked with Lucia who look so beautiful.

To see her grown into this amazing strong woman made me so utterly proud of her.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, aleena still unable to meet my eyes.

"Don't you look beautiful" I kissed both her cheeks.

" and so do you, aleena" I murmured.

She snapped her head to look at me " thank you" she whispered, returning to look at the floor.

"Shall we go in?" I gave my arm to Lucia to hook around, which she did.

We began moving forward, I could feel aleena's presence at the back.

This was going to be a long evening.

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