Chapter 27

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Donatello's POV:

"Knock knock" I heard from the door. I lifted my head at the visitor, finding my mother standing near the threshold.

"What do you want" I plainly told her uninterested by what she had to say.

"The deal with viktor-"

"Get out"

"Listen-" she tried speaking again.

My jaw locked as my teeth ground together "I said get. Out. I don't have to listen to the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. If you want one of your children to listen to you Lucia's door is not far from mine. That's the only reason you're hear after all".

"Donatello" she stomped her foot on the floor. "I am your mother"

A cold laugh filled my throat "you stopped being my mother the day you decided to walk away from us".

"I didn't have a choice"

"I hate liars"

" I'm not lying to you, your father planned on killing me after I had given birth to Lucia so I had to run away"

"I don't give a fuck. Leave" I clenched and unclenched my hands.

"Agree with the deal from the bratva she pressed on. "It's for your own benefit. Do it".

I had enough of her. I stood up from my seat, walking towards her until my body toward over her. The "what do you know about it" my nostrils flared.

" I know enough that you'd be stupid not to take it. Don't forgot who I was engaged too" she resorted back.

My mother had once been engaged to viktors father. They were meant to get married the following summer, but my father decided to attack the day before the wedding kidnapping my mother with him all out of spite.

"Let aleena go, she has no benefit to you and is only a burden to the family" she spat.

Without a second though I grabbed her neck giving it a gentle squeeze "what did you say?" I rose a brow.

" let go off me Donatello" placing a hand on top of  my mine slightly tapping.

"Don't say her fucking name like that ever again" snapping at her "don't fucking mention her" I squeezed tighter, all I could see was red. I could barely hear her low gasps coming out of her mouth.

"DONATELLO" I heard someone scream but didn't acknowledge their presence "DONATELLO!" They yelled again, this time pulling my side trying to release my grip.

I whipped my head to find Aleena holding my forearm pulling it away. I instantly released my mother's neck causing Aleena to fall on her behind.

"Ouch" she muttered under her breath.

Looking down at her, I tried getting my thoughts back together, tried to see the patterns I normally had but ever since Aleena my mind has been one big cluster fuck.

I turned to leave, leaving both women in the same room and headed straight to my room, knowing she would follow.

"Are you out of your mind" she snapped at me taking stride full steps "THATS YOUR MOTHER" her voice rising.

All I could was blankly stare at her. "So" I shrugged, taking off my suit jacket.

"What do you mean so? Are you crazy?"

"Yes" I simply answered.

"You're unbelievable" she placed her hands on her hips moving around the room.

Anger began boiling bellow my stomach, the urge to punch something slim. I hated it when people moved around panicked. It grew something disgusting inside of me causing me to turn violent.

"Stop pacing" I mumbled, watching as she talked to herself. She didn't listen only carried on ignoring my request.

"Aleena" my voice a warning.

"What!" She screeched.

"STOP FUCKING MOVING" I moved towards her, grabbing her wrist, pulling her close to me until our bodies nearly touched. I grabbed the back of her nape forcing her to look at me.

That's when I saw it, the shock and dread in her golden eyes, she couldn't stop scanning my face, her features of pure terror. Small ounces of guilt built in my body. Shit I inwardly cursed myself.

"I'm sorry" releasing her wrist and neck.

Her expression didn't change, it remained the same, her body frozen in that spot. "I want to leave" she whispered to me.

"I can't do that"

"Tonight" she rose her head, the tremor on her lip making it obvious she was scared.

With that said she left the room without another glance. I heard her footstep grow distant, the bit of growing respect she had with me leaving with her.


"You son of a bitch" I kept punching his face, trying to mess it up as best as possible after all he deserved it. "You think stealing from me was a good idea" I gripped his collar dragging his body up to meet my level.

"I- I" the man kept spitting blood, getting a few on my face. I dropped his body back on the floor, a loud thud echoed the warehouse. his cries returned stronger.

"Clean this up" I asked my men. I removed a handkerchief from my pocket wiping away the blood on my knuckles.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Miguel asked as we walked out the warehouse. The breeze outside cooling my face from the stuffy warmth.

"I'm fine" I grumbled opening my car and sliding inside the drivers seat.

"Bull shit" he sat in the passengers seat besides me.

"My mother knows about the deal with the bratva, Lucia told her but I know Lucia she doesn't know enough like she does" a small frown grew on my face.

" I don't trust her, I don't think she has cancer it's all bullshit and it's fucking with my mind" hitting the steering wheel.

"It's alright" Miguel tapped my shoulder.

"Want me to do a back ground check?" He asked.

I gave him a Curt nod in response driving back to the club.

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