Chapter 32

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Aleena's POV:

I sighed, reaching to grab his injured hand "what did you do?" I muttered as I moved my other arm to grab the first aid kit.

I took his forearm and guided him to the small table at the far end of the kitchen. Griping on to his waist as I helped him walk. Finally Pushing him down to take a seat.

"I like this Aleena" he laughed bowing his head Down. I had to push it back up to make sure blood ran threw his head.

I sat next to him, pulling his injured hand closer to take a good look at it. It seemed to be a deep cut but nothing that needed stitches.

He wrapped his free hand around my chairs leg causing a loud screech as he pulled me closer to him.

"What are you doing" I argued, trying to hold him still.

"Pulling you closer" he grumbled. He stared at the small distance between, his features twisting into a grimace "this won't do"

Without warning He pulled his injured hand away from me wrapping it around my waist coving my shirt with his blood "Donatello" I screech as he hoisted me on his lap my breast brushing against his chest.

"That's better" he lazily smiled, his eyes glossy.

I tried pushing away but his grip only tightened. As much as I attempted to free my self, he only doubled his grip.

"Let me heal your hand" I urged.

"You're going to run away from me" he resorted.

I stopped moving "no I won't" I muttered under my breath. Leaving him and Lucia was inevitable, I couldn't help the slight sting in my chest.

Rotating my body to look at him, I found him already staring. Small guilt glistened in his penetrating eyes.

He let his injured lose around my waist, letting me heal it as he placed it on the table.

I remained on his lap as a wiped around his palm making sure nothing entered the cut. I opened the first kit taking out antibiotic ointment. Smothering it all over his cut.

I could feel his stare with every brush of my finger causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise.

He leaned in closer until his soft lips grazed the back of my neck prepping small kisses.

"Donatello" my voice grew stern. Finally wrapping his hand with a bandage, I hopped off his lap, missing his small touch.

"I think you should get some rest" instructing him. My eyes couldn't meet his. The fact he was set to marry someone hurt to much that I didn't notice the effect it could have.

I turned to leave him but a loud thud ran behind me. I whipped my head finding Donatello on the floor laughing as he tried getting up.

Turning, I moved towards him, bending down to help him up, I wrapped his arm around my neck holding him by his waist "god you're heavy" I groaned.

"But not when I'm on top of you" he chuckled sloppily walking. I rolled my eyes as I helped him up the stares.

We finally reached his bed where I released him, flopping on the bed. His eyes became heavy with sleep until he was no longer conscious.

Instead of leaving him in his clothes like I should have, I began taking of his shoes throwing them across the room, then I moved up to his shirt unbuttoning it revealing the golden skin underneath.

I neatly folded it placing it on his side table, then unbuckled his belt placing it on top of shirt. I removed his pants folding it with the others, finally tucking him in.

I couldn't explain why I did that instead of leaving him there, something inside of me wanted to help him even in this state, even with what he had done.

A hand gripped my wrist before I had turn to leave. I released uninvited gasp, trying to pull my hand away but he wouldn't budge.

"Stay with me" he said lazily.

I hesitated for a moment before I tried releasing my hand again. This time he let go "you know I can't" I whispered making my way to the door.

Gently closing, I returned back to Lucia.

Donatello POV:

I woke up the next with an excruciating headache.

I tend to have a limit when it comes to drinking, but I couldn't hold back yesterday. The look of utter dread that marked her beautiful features burned in my mind that I had to get rid of it.

The bed felt emptier. She was no longer laying besides me, her hair in tangles every time I woke up. the only thing that remained was her rosy sent on her pillow.

I've fucked up, constantly repeating it in my mind as I got up. A water bottle lay besides the night stand with a pack of Advil.

Then it all came back. The way she tended to the cut on my hand and how she helped me to bed.

I really have fucked things up.

I headed downstairs towards the dining room where everyone sat for breakfast.

My mother sat across from Lucia like always, her face glowing with joy while Lucia sat quite like she had been these recent weeks. Aleena sat next to her, her head facing the food on the table.

I stopped to stare at her for a moment before I made it to my seat. She wouldn't look up, her eyes remaining at what was in front of her.

"I think we should invite them over to celebrate" my mother announced.

I heard my neck crack from how fast I whipped my head to look her, the look of rage marking my features.

The thought of squeezing her neck again was too tempting but I refrained. I knew what she was doing and I wanted to kill her for even considering it.

I'll find out what she's up too and when I do I promise I'll take away everything she took away from me.

I felt like throwing up after I said the words that came out my mouth "I think you should".

"Excellent" she jumped in her seat getting up to go where ever she went after breakfast. That reminded me I need surveillance on her.

Aleena turned to Lucia giving her one of her rare gentle smiles. One I would never see again.

"Do you want to go for a walk in the garden" she suggested.

I wanted to say something to her, anything but I couldn't blurt out a single word.

Lucia nodded patted her mouth with her napkin and followed Aleena out.

Now I was all alone.

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