chapter 2

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Donatello pov:

"Sono le spedizioni pronte ( are the shipments ready)" I yelled at the phone.

I pay my men enough money, yet they still can't do a simple job properly. I really needed to fire those bastards for wasting precious time the moment I return back.

"Oggi torno in Italia. Li voglio al magazzino quando torno ( I'm returning back to Italy today, I want them in the warehouse when I return)" my teeth ground together, instantly hanging up on them before they had the chance to protest or come up with another useless excuse.

I slouched on my seat, running my fingers through my medium hairlocks.

Today had been a shit day to say in the slightest way possible. Running in and out of pointless meetings, meeting special clients while trying to manage business back at home. It was too much to handle and yet I decided to do it all myself.

Grabbing the scotch, I gulped it down letting the sensation burn my throat.

The room I sat in was dimly lit, covered by clouds of puffed smoke, the smell of expensive cologne hiding the scent of burning tobacco.

It was my own personal gaming room I used every time I visited Las vegas filled with business partners and high intel that I do business with, but mostly it was to keep an eye on them while I visit.

Exhaustion and boredom swam in my mind. I wanted to leave this country as soon as possible. The thought of the low life's and pig snobs that surrounded my every corner sent a bile of disgust to crawl up my throat.

I didn't have the time nor patience to play with these fucking idiots knowing fully well i would beat them no, cheat them was a better answer into throwing their inheritance down a drain of despair. Not only for them but for there wives and secret mistresses.  Making it less fun for me then it would be for them.

I reached for the phone, my patience thinning from all the waiting, and messaged the only man I could trust.

Donatello: where the fuck are you?

Miguel: I'm on my way.

Donatello: hurry up, before i decide to do something you'll have to deal with later.

Miguel: alright chill i'm coming.

No longer than 5 minutes, the red doors flew open, bringing in a wind of fresh air, along with the man I was looking for but he wasn't alone.

I got up, storming my way towards him, my nostrils flaring with anger "what took you so long" my voice growing with fury " you've been gone for 40 minutes" i jabbed my finger at him.

"I'm sorry I got distracted," he remarked unapologetically. My eyes trailed to the distraction he was talking about.

I was hit with hazel almost golden eyes staring back at me, they screamed innocent, luring me in as if saying she wanted to be ruined. They were huge and round. She had brown curly hair that bounced up to her elbow reminding me of a lose spring with skin that looked sun kissed as her crimson dress hugged her torso then flowed all the way down to her knees.

She stood there awkwardly, her arms wrapped around her chest as if she was swallowing herself.

"tua moglie non sarà felice( your wife won't be happy)" I accused raising a brow.

Miguel laughed "sembrava infelice, le sto solo offrendo compagnia (she looked miserable so I offered her company)".

"Let me introduce you to my boss,Donatello" he smiled at the woman, she returned a shaky grin."this is aleena"

Aleena stood there, her expression blank, staring at me from head to toe. Whereas other women that i have encountered would give me their seductive smile or careless touches, she only stared. Interesting.

"Aleena" a devilish grin growing on my face.

"Hello, Donatello" she hummed.

I could get used to my name on those lips.

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