chapter 11

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Aleena pov:

Lucia had gone to school and Donatello went to work when I woke up, leaving me alone in this big house well not alone, there were two of Donatello's men posted near the entrance door.

When I had asked what they were doing here, they only stared at me, realising they were supposed to keep an eye, so I does not run.

Fair enough.

I sat they are in the dining room eating my breakfast not comfortable with the quietness.

There was still 5 hours until Lucia came home.

I inwardly groaned not liking how empty this place felt.

There were two maids in the house cleaning up, but they would leave after they'd finish, and the cook only came to drop of the meals and heads out straight after.

I got up and thought I might go snooping seen a though I am going to be here a while, well until I pay the monster 500k or win him in a match of poker, might as well do something.

I started off outside this time.

It was spring so It was still chilly. I headed all the way to the river admiring the stream as tiny fishes swam by.

I turned around and saw the two men from the entrance near the French doors staring at me, I rolled my eyes and made my way towards them. "are you going to follow me everywhere?" I questioned them.

The bold one looked down at me and said, "bosses orders".

I huffed in frustration and made my way inside them following.

I decided exploring upstairs my, looking at all the guest rooms.

They all seem to look like the room I was staying in. white walls, a queen-sized bed, a dressing table placed against the wall, a built-in wardrobe, and a connected toilet.

There were vases planted there for decoration.
I kept walking until I stood in front of his door.

Standing there looking at it gave me the itch to open the door and see what type of person he was.

Did he have piles of clothes everywhere like Jeremy. Did he have any sentimental pieces?

My hands turned clammy when I reached for the handle.

I slowly opened it and was hit with his scent. It smelt of spice and whiskey mixed with expensive cologne hitting my nostrils.

I took a step forward; his room was huge and dark.

A king-sized bed was posted at the left side of the room draped in black silk covers.

The floor was dark oakwood covered with a dark grey rug. Next to the bed looked like a walk-in closet, there was a dressing table opposite to the bed.

The room had no decorations just left bare. It was tidy except for the bed, his sheets laid there crumpled.

I moved towards the walk-in closet, skimming through his ironed shirts, his draws were filled with expensive watches and the one opposite was filled with ties, there was a mirror in between the draws and a door which seemed to be the toilet.

A slowly walked out my body coming to a halt.

Donatello stood there, power oozing out of him. his arms were crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed together.

Today he wore a black suit with a black shirt under. All of him screamed dominating masculinity. I could feel my core heat up.

His hair was ruffled like normal. He took a step close and I moved one back. "what are you doing here Aleena" he said taking a step, I stepped back.

I never heard the door open or his footsteps too occupied with his closet "I urm...I" I stuttered taking even more steps back as he began walking forward eyeing me, until my back was pressed against the wall.

His firm body towered over me; was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek, bending down to look at my face.

Donatello placed both his hands above my head caging me in.

"Aleena" voice becoming a bit ruff this time. "why are you in here" he moved his head so close.

"I was exploring" I gulped. "I didn't know this was your room". A smooth lie.

"liar" his mouth twitched.

He slid one hand down gripping my waist.

I held my breath as he began swirling his thumb around, staring at me.

God I was like putty in his hands.

I slid my hands to his chest attempting to push his chest, but I made no move.

Donatello tilted his head to whisper in my ear, his soft lips grazing the outside.

"now tell me the truth". How the hell am I supposed to tell you when you are this close. "I wanted..."

"I'M HOME" we both turned to the sound of Lucia from the entrance.

I used this distraction as an opportunity and pushed him away walking towards the corridor.

I leaned on the railing and caught Lucia looking up. She smiled when she saw me "hello" she said moving towards the stairs.

I moved to the top so we both met each other in same place "how was school" I asked her not looking at the body that stood behind me.

She lifted her left shoulder "the same. Hey donny"

she moved her body to the side to look at her brother.

"hurry up and change where leaving in ten minutes" he commanded.

"where are you going" I said looking between them. Please do not leave me here.

"remember what I told you about training after school?" she answered.

My mouth made an O shape, she began walking to her room, but she stopped slowly turning around.

"want to come" she suggested.

I gave her a small smile "you'll have to ask your brother" I told her.

"you're coming" I heard his gruff voice. "I can't leave you here snooping. Again." He said with amusement in his eyes as if remembering what just happened. My cheeks slowly reddened.

We sat in the car, quite the whole way.

It had taken Lucia less than 10 minutes to change into her sportswear.

I just put on some trainers that Miguel had bought me, wearing a white milkmaid dress, and headed to the car.

It was a ten-minute drive, when we arrived, we parked outside an abandoned warehouse.

Donatello got out of the car followed by me and Lucia. I stood their staring at the metal building.

The windows were high up you had to tilt your head to see them.

We made our way to the entrance which was one metal door with a few bullet holes.

Ok then.

When we entered, it was huge, there were mats on the floor in the center. In the left corner were a bunch of boxing bags while the other side was filled with dummies cramped in a corner.

There were boxes all around probably filled with equipment. A man stood at the far end of the warehouse on his phone.

"Antonio, get off your phone!" Donatello barked making the man jump.

"sorry boss" he said nearly dropping his phone. He walked towards all three of us a stern look plastered on his face. he was a tall, lanky man.

He had caramel coloured skin, with a small scar across his brow. He had a fade buzz that complement his face. his eyes were a golden colour with specks of dark brown.

He looked to be around 19-20 years. He wore a black tight shirt with shorts that came up to his knees.

Antonio nodded at Donatello, turning to me giving me a curious look. When he looked at Lucia, his face softened giving her a delicate smile. "shall we begin".

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