chapitre quarante cinq

414 18 16


today was the d-day. and worst than just being the d-day, it was an hour before the start of the plan. jeongin was restless, since the morning, as he busied himself left and right —from doing chores, to cooking, to taking a stroll around the house.

jisung and hyunjin were seated at the kitchen counter, watching him pass for the fifth times through the kitchen window. jisung's hands were holding his own temples, as he sighed, quickly followed by hyunjin.

"i'm getting dizzy from watching him." jisung said.

"i'm mostly worried." hyunjin answered.

jisung sighed again, "tell me about it. i haven't even seen minho today."

"did he tell you he'd come ?" hyunjin turned to look at him.

"no. we said bye yesterday, and he left. he didn't say anything else."

"i think he'll come. he's petty, but if he loves you, there's no reason he won't come."

jisung smiled slightly, "you think ?"


jisung's smiled dropped, "even then... i wish they didn't have to do this."

"same. but if they made up their minds, we can't keep them from doing it. it's what they need to do, i guess."

"i guess you're right. living like that... they probably aren't any more safe either."

"mn, yes."

just as he was agreeing with minho, they heard the door open. they both turned around, expecting to see jeongin enter and head to grab gardening supplies. however, he was simply holding the door for someone : minho !

jisung jumped to his feet. "you came !"

minho rolled his eyes, fighting a smile. "of course i came. why are you so surprised ?"

jisung pouted, "well... you didn't say anything yesterday, and you have to do the plan soon, so i thought you wouldn't have the time."

"i can always make time to come see you."

to say such things, it wasn't like minho at all ! he was never so straightforward when saying cheesy things. but probably because of the current situation, he deemed it useless to keep his ego up.

jisung beamed, and ran up to him, pulling him into his embrace. "so cute !"

minho blushed, as he closed his arms behind jisung's back. "ah, just shut up."

jeongin silently walked up to hyunjin, and passed his arms around his waist. hyunjin smiled, slithering his own arm around his waist too.

"what is it, baby ?"

jeongin sighed quietly. "i'm... nervous."

hyunjin's smile faltered, but he kept up a comforting expression. "of course you are. you guys are about to do something insane ! don't let it get to you."

he had comforted him countless of times, since the plan had been decided, but he didn't mind doing it again and again. he could understand how nerve-wracking this was ! and jeongin was only seventeen ! his friends weren't that much older than him, bang chan being the oldest at twenty ! that was crazily young !

"i'll do my best. i still need to come back to you quickly." he buried his face into hyunjin's chest.

hyunjin almost teared up. "yeah... i'll wait for you."

hyunjin grabbed his chin softly, and raised his face to face him. he leaned in, and placed his lips gently on jeongin's, in a short but sweet kiss.

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