Chapitre cinq.

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minho and seungmin were trying to sneak back in their room. seungmin was the first inside the dark room, and he extended his hand to minho, to pull him in.

they both made their way to their bunk bed, when the light suddenly turned on. they both froze, as their eyes widened.

"oh my God, guys !" they heard a familiar voice, and they breathed out, relieved.

"for fuck's sake, chan hyung !" minho almost shouted.

"are you supposed to be the one to say that ?" chan scolded.

"you frightened us !" seungmin chimed in. "we thought it was mister yang !"

"oh, now, did you ? well, mister yang came here, and saw that you two were gone. fortunately i was here before, so i lied, and said that you were outside since evening, to train at hunting. do you know how lame this lie is ? if he had caught me, he could've killed me !"

minho and seungmin lowered their head.

"we're sorry, hyung." minho said. "he was out to punish jeongin, and we had to see what he would do."

"and you did ?"

"yeah. he was in an awful state. wounds everywhere, some deeper, some less. he ended up fainting."

chan's eyes widened. "and what happened to him ? you left him there ?"

"a human took him in his house." seungmin answered.

"a human ?"

"yeah. just when he fainted, he rushed out, and took him inside his house."

"we need to go check on him again soon." minho said.

chan didn't answer right away. "this is risky." he ended up saying.

"we know, but...," minho sighed, "we can't just leave him like this.

chan sighed as well. "you're right. we'll see how to sneak out again, more carefully. so none of us risk to be killed."

minho and seungmin nodded.

suddenly, something appeared on minho's desk. they all turned their heads toward it, then looked at each other.

"who's opening it ?" minho asked, with a small voice.

"obviously you." seungmin answered. "it's your desk, right ? then it's your problem."

minho gulped silently, and walked toward his desk, followed by his two friends.

he took what happened to be an envelop, and opened it, slowly, and reluctantly.

he took the letter it contained, and placed the envelop back on his desk.

"read it out loud." chan told him, and he nodded.

"dear lee, dear kim. i hope your hunting session went well, although you broke the rule by going outside without any permission." he looked up at his friends, who looked as worried and scared as him. "i could not think of a punition that matches your action, but i will think about it. be sure to be at my office in two days, at seven pm. d yang."

they all sighed, relieved.

"i thought it'd be worst." seungmin said.

"me too." the other two answered together.

"but we still have to actually meet him in two days." minho added.

"do you think he'll kill us ?" seungmin widened his eyes.

"no." chan said. "he can't, if three students disappear, especially when no one has proof they did something, mister yang's reputation will be tarnished. i mean, more than it already is."

"well, hopefully." seungmin sat on his bed.

"but for now, we need to think thoroughly of a way to go check on jeongin." chan said. "how far is the house, by the way ?"

"it's just a at the exit of the forest." seungmin said.

"i'll try to do something about mister yang. he doesn't know that i'm friend with you, so he doesn't associate me with your bullshit-"

"yah !" minho cut him off, and chan rolled his eyes.

"aren't they bullshits, minho ?" he asked.

"well yeah, but there's no need to point it out."

"whatever. he doesn't associate me with your bullshits," he emphasized on the word, looking at minho, who rolled his eyes, "so i think i can do something. you guys need me."

minho clacked his tongue. "we don't."

"shut up, bitch, if it wasn't me, you two would've been dead, by now."

minho grinned, amused.

"but should we answer something ?" he proceeded to ask.

"i don't know... maybe just tell him that you received the letter, and that you'll do it."

minho nodded, and wrote the letter, then he gave it to one of mister yang's disciple, so they could deliver it to him.


so, um, hello. :)

well, first of all, there's something i needed to tell you : i actually made a 'mistake' in one of the chapter. it's not that big or anything, and i fixed it, but in minho's point of view, about what was happening to jeongin, there wasn't supposed to be written that mister yang disappeared, but that he changed to a bat.
like, hyunjin couldn't see it, cause it was dark and he doesn't even think it's possible, but minho and seungmin could see it.
i just thought i needed to point it out.

by the way, it's only been like three or four days since i last updated but it feels like forever !
anyway, enjoy the chapter. ^-^


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