chapitre dix-neuf.

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jeongin had planned to go meet irene at night, when jisung and hyunjin were asleep. but the thing was that, both of them were still here, in the living room, watching tv.

jeongin didn't want to tell them that he had to go out. well, he never told hyunjin about his meeting with irene, and told jisung not to either.

jeongin didn't want to put hyunjin in danger, more than he already was. neither he wanted jisung to be in danger, but he knew about it by hazard.

now, though, he didn't have a choice. he had to go, the hour was ticking, and he couldn't make irene wait too long.

"uh... guys, i need to go somewhere." jeongin said, as he got up from his seat.

"where ?" hyunjin asked.

jeongin gave a quick glance to jisung, who just silently looked back at him.

"i have to meet a friend. i'll be quick."

"now ? but it's already two am ! almost three !"

"i know. i really need to go now."

hyunjin was ready to protest, but he was cut by jisung.

"jinnie, just let him go. we can't really control him, now, can we ?"

hyunjin seemed to be embarrassed by this remark.

"no, no, this isn't what i meant, i just-" he sighed. "i'm sorry, i'm just worried."

jeongin gave him a smile. "it's okay. i'll be quick."

hyunjin got up, and walked to him. "be careful, okay ?" he put his hands on both jeongin's shoulder.

the younger nodded, as he blushed. "i will."

then he exited the house, walking fast. he didn't want the others to follow him, by any chances.

he entered the forest, and hid himself behind a tree, then jumped, and transformed into a bat. he flew out of the forest, and into the small village.

he had had the time to think about what place he 'knew well',until he came to a realization : the cemetery. his mom was buried in there, so he used to come visit this place often. irene had to be talking about this place.

it's the only place he knew well.

when he got there, he flew to his mom's grave. there, irene was seated, criss crossed on the grave, waiting for him.

he landed beside her, and changed back to his normal form.

"why did you take so much time ?" she asked.

"i wanted to come without the humans knowing, but they didn't look like they were ready to sleep soon. they're still awake, now."

"what do you mean ? you live with humans ? do you how dangerous that is ?" she got up, to be at jeongin's level.

"yeah, well it's not like i have a choice."

"you obviously have. i'm not only talking about the fact that they could know what you are, but i also know that you refuse to drink human blood, though being around them constantly may cause you to... to lose control over yourself. you can become dangerous, without wanting it."

"you know it's not that intense with me, since i'm half human."

"you are, but your vampire part is bigger."

"i'll see what i'll do about this. why did you want to see me ?"

"i needed to talk to you about some things. it's been a while since i wanted to meet you again."

"really ?"

"yeah. but firstly, tell me what happened since i left."

"well, you left when i was still a baby, i can't tell you about that. but what i can tell you is that i've been banned from the castle, after that dohyeon tried to kill me."

"he'll never stop, huh."

"nope. he's determined to eliminate me."

"i guess so. i heard two persons talking, near the castle about you, that's when i knew i had a chance to find you here."

"what were you doing there, though ?"

"i wanted to sneak in." she shrugged. "i left fourteen years ago, i need to know how it's been since then, and since... well, your parents."

"it's been kinda awful, if you want to know everything. well, not since you left, cause there were still my dad. but since dohyeon killed them, the castle is..." jeongin sighed. "things changed. people are now afraid. anything they do can be considered as betrayal, or bad, to dohyeon, and they risk to be killed."

"why do no one do anything ?"

"you know it's not that easy. the people there are weak ; they don't even eat well, to have any strength, while dohyeon's people are strong. really strong. if anyone try anything, there'll be a real slaughter."

"yeah, i see." she sighed. "should we just let it be, then ?"

"i guess. there's not much we can do about it. but tell me... why did you leave ? me and my friends always wondered why, or even who you were. everyone at the castle know bae joohyun, but no one know exactly who you are. it's even forbidden to mention you, there. i know you're named irene just cause my mom mentioned it once."

"ah, am i that famous ?" she laughed.

"you are."

"well, to be honest, i didn't leave the castle willingly. i've been forced to."

jeongin widened his eyes. "really ?"


"was it because of dohyeon ?"

"yep. sit down, i'll tell you everything."


guuuuuys omg i missed you so much 😭

since i'm here it's been HELL T^T my phone broke, i didn't have any wifi, and i'm now on my mom's phone, but the chapter i started to write has been deleted, im- 😩

but it's okay, i re-wrote it, but i feel like it's not as good as the previous i had. :(

also i know this is a hyunin fanfic and i'm kinda turning around it, but i need to unroll some parts of the plot, that's why it's rather long,, i'm sorry. :((

i'm almost done with the next chapter, i'll try to post it whenever it's done.

thanks for reading.


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