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"what do you mean, explain everything ?" jeongin asked.

"didn't you say you would ?"

"no. i said i'd see about it later. later which is now, and what i see is that i'm not telling you."

hyunjin pouted. "that's not what i understood."

"yet that's what i meant."

"that's so unfair. you can't not tell me !"

jeongin scoffed. "i obviously can."

hyunjin huffed. "unfair."

"listen, i'll tell you one day, okay ? but now... now i really can't. first, because i don't know you, and this is not the kind of things you tell strangers. second, it's not the kind of things you tell anyone, to be honest."

"you said i might get involved in something." he repeated.

"yes, and that's why i said that i'll tell you one day. please, just not now." jeongin pleaded.

hyunjin looked at him for a few seconds, seeing his desperate stare.

"fine. i'll wait."

"thank you, hyunjin."

"shouldn't you use honorifics, though ?" he quirked a brow.

"how should i know if you're older or not ?"

"i'm sure i'm older. i'm eighteen. how about you ?"

it was jeongin's turn to pout. "i'm seventeen."

"aha ! i knew it !" he grinned. "by the way... say the name ?"

jeongin raised his eyebrows. "the way you made that reference was lame."

"yah ! it wasn't !"

"you said something before ! it basically cancel the possibility of making a reference ! that, plus you said it like a question !"

"because i wasn't sure you'd get it !"

"of course i would have ! hello, i live on earth too, not on another planet."

hyunjin rolled his eyes. "aren't you supposed to respect me, now that we've established that i'm older ?" he crossed his arms.

"nah. my friends are all older than me, too, and yet i don't necessarily respect them."

"what a bad boy."

jeongin stuck his tongue out at him. "you should take notes."

hyunjin smiled. "taking notes... yeah, sure. you're like lessons at school : i should take notes, but they're useless at the end."

jeongin pouted again. "that was mean."

"aww." hyunjin pinched his cheek. "so cute."

jeongin slapped his hand. "yah !"

"pfft. and you say that i'm mean."

"if you weren't, then i wouldn't be either, but you started."

"are you always that annoying ?"

"i'm only mirroring the person i'm with."

hyunjin didn't say anything. "i hate you."

jeongin grinned. "i hate myself too."

"don't say that ! should i turn into a wise man, now ?"

"are you even able to do that ?"

"and you ? are you able to let me live ?"


hyunjin threw a pillow at him, but jeongin catch it before it hit his face, as he laughed. then he hugged it, and looked at hyunjin, who had a smile on his face.

"you're cute." he said, suddenly.

jeongin blushed, lowering his gaze. "i- i'm not, but- but thanks."

"if you're not cute, then who's cute, honestly ?"

jeongin hid his face in the pillow. "stop it ! i don't like to be flustered." he said, his voice coming out muffled because of the soft surface.

"ah, really ? well, i like that you're flustered because of me."

"yah !"

"don't 'yah' me, i'm older ! besides, could you lift your head ?"

"only if you promise you'll stop."

"okay, i promise."

hesitantly, jeongin lifted his head, his face still red, as he kept trying to avoid hyunjin's gaze, though the latter couldn't stop staring at him, a smile on his face.

"why are you staring at me like this ?" jeongin asked, playing with his fingers.

"i just feel like it."

before jeongin could answer anything, someone knocked on the door. hyunjin frowned, and got up, walking toward it, as jeongin followed him.


happy stay anniversary guys! 🖤💜

i know im late, tho, so sorry about that.

but anyway, let's stick by these nine precious boys' side for a long time, and give them endless love and support, as they deserve.
let's make stray kids stay for many other years.

by the way, sorry for the —lame— filler chapter. :(

thanks for reading.


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