Chapitre huit.

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hyunjin was seated on the bed, waiting for jeongin. he kept thinking about the contact with jeongin's skin, and kept blushing at the thought.

why was he reacting this way, toward a stranger ?

he sighed, and tried to think about something else.

come on, hyunjin, think of, uh... of what ?, he thought hard, to find something. think of bi !

his whole face fell, at the mention of bi. bi was hyunjin's puppy. his parents didn't like him, so they threw him out, once, but hyunjin brought him back, so they killed him.

bi, in korean, meant rain, and his parents didn't like the rain, and they also hated animals. that day was the day hyunjin started losing love for his parents. it's the day he realized that they weren't who they pretended to be. and he was only ten years old.

when he heard the bathroom door open, he stopped thinking of his doggy. he decided to not think of anything, cause every thought he had made him sad.

as he waited, he told himself that jeongin was taking too long, to come from the bathroom to his bedroom, since the house was rather small, but decided to wait. it wasn't like he could go and bring him here.

finally, jeongin came in the room, his shirt in his hands, as he played nervously with it. hyunjin tried to not think about how hot he looked, with his wet hair, and the water dripping on his bare torso.

for fuck's sake, the guy seemed too young, for hyunjin to have any thought of the sort.

"come sit here." hyunjin tapped the place beside him on the bed.

jeongin obeyed, without any word. he sat next to hyunjin, though he never looked at him once.

hyunjin sighed, and cursed himself for creating a tension. as if the whole situation wasn't weird enough, now they were both flustered as fuck.

hyunjin unrolled a bandage he had brought, while coming to his room.

"can you, uh... can you face me, please ? so it'd b easier to bandage you."

once again, jeongin obeyed, without a word.

his silence caused hyunjin to be even more uncomfortable.

hyunjin neared the bandage to jeongin's wound, and the younger flinched, when it entered in contact with his skin.

hyunjin proceeded to enroll it around his torso, being as gentle as he could, not to hurt him.

"i'm done." he informed him, raising his head to look at his 'guest'. but, of course, he didn't think that their faces would be so close.

he saw how jeongin's ears turned red, as well as his cheeks. he quickly backed away, then scratched the back of his head.

"i'm sorry-"

"thank you." jeongin cut him off.

"what ?" hyunjin asked, a bit taken aback, as he wasn't expecting jeongin to talk.

"thank you for, uh... for taking care of me."

hyunjin smiled a bit. "no problem. how about you explain everything, now ?"


ugh, why is it that before publishing a story, i'm writing non-stop, but when i post the first chapter, i become lazy asf 😫

i know there's not a lot of things happening, but things are actually taking more time (and chapters) than i thought :(

anyway, thank you for reading.


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