chapitre trois.

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"i can't believe we didn't do anything to stop him !" minho exclaimed, as he was pacing in the room.

"to stop who ? mister yang ?" seungmin scoffed. "have you seen what he did to his own nephew ? do you think he'll hesitate to do worse to us ?"

"still ! we can't leave jeongin like this ! my poor son, who knows where he is, or what could happen to him—"

"he's not your son."

"he is. we established together that i've adopted him."

"ah really ? and who's the mom ?"

"i'm the mom. i'm a single mom."

seungmin rolled his eyes. "sure, if that makes you happy."

"it made me happy until this asshole, son of a bitch of mister yang decided to 'give a punishment worth of his actions'." he made air quotations.

"jeongin knew that it would happen."

"it should've happened to us too."

seungmin sighed. "i know. but, his uncle decided that it was all his fault. he can't not know that we're involved as well."

"i know right, but he oddly decide to ignore it." minho sighed as well, lowering his head. then he shot it up. "where is chan hyung ?"

"i don't know... why ? what do you plan to do ?"

"we need to go find jeongin, so we must be sure that chan isn't here. he's been involved too many times in our bullshits, we can't risk him to be involve in this." 

"okay, but how do we do that ?"

"we sneak out. it shouldn't be too hard to find them, if they're still in the city."

"and what if mister yang comes back before we do ?"

"technically, he doesn't know that we know he's about to punish jeongin, so we can just tell him whatever excuse we'll come up with."

"he'll still punish us."

"yeah, but not too severely. i don't force you to come, though. but i'll go."

"i'll come too. who do you take me for ? he's my baby bro."

"he's not."

"yes he is. i've established right now that you adopted us both, and jeongin and i are brothers."

minho's eyes lit up. "yes ! i have two sons ! now let's go find my lost one."

they sneaked out of the window, jumping from window to window. they obviously had other ways to get down, but they wanted to try this.

they then proceeded to run in the forest. the only thing that guided them was their senses. jeongin's and mister yang's smell indicated the direction.

finally, they arrived in a nearby neighborhood, et the end of the forest. they heard a scream, and immediately recognized it as jeongin's, as they ran toward it.

they widened their eyes, seeing their friend's state, but couldn't do anything. jeongin saw them as well, and knew his friends knew he did. so discretely, he tried to tell them to go, by widening his eyes at them, then looking at the forest.

but his attention was drawn to mister yang, when he turned to a house.

"someone's there." he said.

"no shit, this is a neighborhood." jeongin said, sarcastically.

minho slapped his forehead. "what a dumbass."

"do you think he knows we're here ? it's mister yang, so probably."

"i don't know. but we can't leave jeonginnie like this." 

"don't act smart with me, you insignificant piece of shit. remember the position you're in. it'd be legal for me to take your life, right fucking now."

minho's and seungmin's eyes widened, at these words. minho tried to run toward them, but seungmin was quick to grab him.

"are you crazy ?" he whispered-shouted. "you can't go there, what would you do ? mister yang would kill you in a snap of the finger."

minho huffed, but couldn't deny this fact. "you can let go, i won't go."

seungmin knew it was true. minho was sometimes impulsive, but when the situation required calmness, he was able to manage it. well, sometimes. 

"i know damn well this is a neighborhood." mister yang continued. "but someone is watching us —or should i say spying us."

the two friends gulped. mister yang was, without any doubts, referring to them.

"with all the noise we made, obviously someone would come to see what it was." jeongin scoffed.

"can't this little bitch shut the fuck up, i swear to God—" minho started, irritated by jeongin's attitude.

"shut up," seungmin cut him off, "you're too loud—"

"shut up !" jeongin's uncle yelled, causing the two friends to flinch. "i'm trying hard not to kill you right now."

"really ? who could tell ?"

mister yang turned back to jeongin, his eyes becoming entirely bright red. minho and seungmin gulped at this sight. they weren't that afraid of mister yang, but they were afraid for their friend.

"don't you dare come back to the castle."

it was all he said, before he turning into a bat, and flying toward the castle. despite knowing that they were fucked up, minho and seungmin wanted to rush toward jeongin, who fainted.

but they saw a door open, and someone got out, running toward him. the person carried jeongin, and went back into his house.

"come on, let's take our jeongin back." minho said, already walking toward the house.

though seungmin grabbed his wrist. "and where would we put him ? we can't bring him to the castle, neither can we leave him outside in the forest. he's wounded."

"and he's with a human !"

"it's not like he's not used to it ! beside, i can feel that this human won't do anything bad to him. now let's go back quickly, and if we're still alive, we'll find a way to come check on him."

minho sighed. "fine."


i know there's not a lot of people reading, but to those who do i hope you enjoy it!

and thank you. 💜


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