chapitre vingt-et-un

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hyunjin was still seated on the same spot on the couch. jisung went to sleep, about an hour ago, but hyunjin couldn't.

he was worried about jeongin. why would he meet someone this late ? who could it be ? why wasn't he back yet ?

he started to pick on his nails, nervously. he didn't even know why he was so worried over a boy he barely even knew, but he was.

not only was he in a bad state, but he also seemed so fragile and innocent, it made hyunjin want to protect him.

earlier, he wanted to follow the boy, to see where he'd go and who he'd see. but then he realized how ridiculous it was. why would he do that ? who was he, to jeongin, to do such a thing ?

he sighed, and changed his position on the couch. why was jeongin taking so much time-

he turned his head brusquely toward the door, when he heard a knock.

he quickly got up, and ran toward the door, almost tripping on his own feet. once in front of it, he stopped, and waited a few seconds, so it wouldn't appear obvious that he was waiting.

"who is it ?" he asked, already expecting jeongin, as he was used to never have any visitors.

"it's jeongin."

hyunjin opened the door, revealing the small boy he was waiting for.

"it was 'bout time you come back."

jeongin scratched his neck, as he entered the house.

"i'm sorry, i tried to be as quick as possible. my friend... had things to tell me."

hyunjin smiled slightly. "it's okay, i was just kidding. i'm not your mom."

"i know, i just feel bad for waking you up to open the door, or maybe to keep you awake."

"it's okay, i wasn't that tired, i was chilling on my phone." he lied.

"oh, okay, then. are you going to sleep, now ?"

hyunjin shrugged. he was a bit tired, but he didn't want to sleep. he hoped to stay with jeongin, but maybe he wanted to sleep ?

"i... no, i don't think so. are you ?"

"no, i don't think so either."

"then... could we stay together ? i mean, it's okay if you don't want to, i was just suggesting, since both of us aren't going to sleep, but- uh, yeah it'd be completely okay, if you'd prefer to stay alone, or-"

"hyunjin hyung." jeongin called, his head tilted on the side, as he was listening to hyunjin's blabber. "i'd like to spend time with you."

hyunjin smiled. "should we go to the rooftop ? i'll make hot chocolate."

jeongin frowned. "hot... chocolate ?"

hyunjin frowned as well. "don't tell me you don't know what hot chocolate is !"

"it's not that i don't know what it is, it's just that i never tasted it, and i never even saw it. i know there's something called hot chocolate, though."

"you don't know grenadine, you don't know hot chocolate, jisung told me you never tasted hamburger,... where exactly did you live ?"

"well, on earth, where would i live ?" jeongin sulked.

"then you're supposed to at least have seen hot chocolate, or tasted hamburger and grenadine. these are like life basics. what about milk ?"

"never drank milk. i know it's this white drink, but, yeah, i never drank it."

hyunjin frowned. "never ? and when you were a baby ?"

"so what if i've been a baby ? should i drink milk because of that ?"

"dude, you're supposed to drink milk when you're a baby ! or else you die !"

"proof that no." jeongin shrugged.

"i'm honestly starting to think that you're messing with me."

jeongin was confused, so he frowned again. "why would i mess with you ? is it impossible that i never drank milk ?"

"yeah, kinda."

"listen, i'm being serious, but let's drop the subject, now, shall we ? you said you'd do hot... hot chocolate, was it ! yeah, that. i'll be waiting on the rooftop, okay ?"

hyunjin sighed. the subject was honestly irritating, and he didn't want to drop it. but he didn't really have a choice. jeongin didn't want to talk about it, and he didn't want to ruin this night.

hyunjin really wanted to spend time with jeongin. he was used to be alone, but now he liked the younger's presence, and wanted to be around him as much as possible.

for some odd reasons.

so, reluctantly, he sighed, and nodded his head. "fine."


the more time pass, the more i take time huh :(

well, i still don't have wifi, and my phone got fixed just some days ago, and i traveled again, yesterday (this time in car).

basically, everything became too hard since i arrived here, in senegal, and i'm honestly so sorry.

im trying my best to be a good author, even tho it seems i need to try harder.

well, that's for it. the next chapter is already written, and i'll post it today!

thanks for reading.


banned. // hyunin/hyunjeong Where stories live. Discover now