chapitre vingt-trois

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hyunjin started to feel nervous. jeongin was really about to tell him. he had wanted to know since he ever brought jeongin to his house, but now that the boy was finally telling him, he felt anxious. he almost didn't want to know.

"so, uh... the first thing you need to know is that... uh..." jeongin bit his lip. "i'm not necessarily human."

hyunjin furrowed his brows. "you're not necessarily... what ? how can you not be human ? are you joking ?"

jeongin shook his head violently, and hyunjin saw some kind of fear in his eyes. but he couldn't believe him, despite seeing how honest he looked. it just didn't make any sense.

"i'm not joking, i swear. there's more than just humans on earth. but we decided to stay on the low, cause humans are too dangerous, and they would've tried to exterminate us, if they ever knew about our existence. the few who knew about us were seen as crazy people."

"considering you're telling the truth... what are you ?"

"i'm... i'm a vampire."

hyunjin's eyes widened for a quick second, then he frowned again. "a vampire ?"

"you want proof, right ?"

"i kinda do."

"okay, see."

jeongin opened his mouth, and hyunjin didn't understand at first, cause everything seemed normal. then he saw jeongin's fangs grow, under his braces.

hyunjin's eyes widened, and he almost freaked out, but did his best to stay composed.

when jeongin closed his mouth, the tip of his fangs were still visible, and hyunjin couldn't not look at them. was he dreaming ? to be sure, he pinched himself. no, it hurt. he wasn't dreaming.

when he finally looked up at jeongin's eyes, his heart stopped, and he got up quickly, causing his chair to fall due to the brusqueness.

"your- your eyes."

he pointed, with a shaking hand. jeongin's eyes were glowing red, and it caused his skin to appear even paler than it usually did.

"they're red, aren't they ?"

"ye- yes, they- they are."

the younger sighed. "don't worry about it. it's normal."

"normal ? you call this normal ?"

"i mean, for us, vampires, it is. we use this skills —if i can call it like this— to scare others species. we're not born with it, though, we acquire it as we grow up. it's like our puberty. usually puberty is at our thirteen's or something like this, but since i don't drink human blood, it takes more time for me."

"you don't drink human blood ? i wanna say good to know. what do you drink, then ?"

"animal blood."

hyunjin face twisted in disgust. he did it mindlessly, but it was really weird.

"a- animal blood ?" he repeated.

"well, it's not like i have a choice. i need blood to survive. the most i can stay without drinking blood is about two weeks, though i'd be very weak during those days."

"so you die after these two week ?"

"not necessarily die. but like... almost. we become so weak, we can barely move, and if the vampire is already old, they start to look like their age. for example, if they're a hundred years old, but appear twenty, they instantly become old physically. obviously they don't die from that, but as the days go, they become weaker and weaker. you see, us vampires don't function like humans. you have vitamins, and a lot of things in your system. we do not."

"that... that is, uh... interesting to know, but creepy."

"i guess."

"so that's why you never drank milk, grenadine, hot chocolate, never ate cookies, and all of that ?"


"now tell me what happened the other night. the one when your uncle almost killed you."

jeongin then proceeded to tell him everything. from his parents, his father being the headman, when his uncle killed them, how his uncle acted since then, until now, and he even told him about irene.

"and she's the friend i met with today." he ended his long speech.

talking about speech, hyunjin was speechless. his mouth was slightly open, and all he could do was stare.

he didn't want to believe what jeongin was telling him. or maybe he wanted ? well, yeah, he wanted to, but a part of him couldn't. despite jeongin proving to him that he was indeed supernatural, he just couldn't bring himself to believe such things.

"do- do you want to never see me again ?" jeongin asked, looking down.

this question seemed to bring hyunjin back to his senses, as he widened his eyes.

"no, no, jeongin, of course not !" he reassured, but saw how jeongin didn't seemed reassured at all. so he crouched down in front of the small boy, putting a hand on his knee. "jeonginie, listen. i'm just a bit shook by all of this. for a human, this is kinda weird. i want to see you again, i want you to stay with me."

jeongin looked at him, his cheeks a light shade of pink, as he smiled slightly at hyunjin.

"thank you, jinnie hyung."

hyunjin smiled softly at the nickname. fuck, why was jeongin was so adorable, so effortlessly ? he was making hyunjin's heart beat faster, with the most insignificant thing.

"for what ?"

"for understanding, and not throwing me out."

hyunjin smiled, and pinched the younger cheek. "can someone possibly throw such a cutie like you out ?"

"my uncle."

"that guy's a psychopath, i wasn't including him. by the way, i wanna kill him."

"not to be rude, but he'll probably kill you first."

hyunjin pouted. "i don't want to say that you're right, but i know you're right."

jeongin giggled, causing hyunjin to look up at his face, smiling. he was witnessing himself becoming whipped as fuck for the small vampire.

but oddly enough, it didn't bother him.


hey guys~

how are y'all doing since the last time ?

i wanted you all to know that if anyone need to talk to someone, you can come to me. don't lock yourselves up, i'm here for all of you. :)
i love and care for you guys. 💜

have a good day.

thanks for reading.


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