chapitre vint-neuf

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irene had lead jeongin in his room, in order to talk calmly.

"so~ tell me ! tell me, tell me, tell me !" jeongin literally jumped, excited to know.

irene chuckled, and sat on the bed "first of all, sit down."

jeongin hurried to and took place next to her, sitting cross-legged.

"i am seated."

"all right. so to be able to stay in the sun, it's easy, but at the same time complicated. and by complicated, i mean disgusting."

"what do i have to do ?" jeongin asked, slightly scared.

"you must eat a lizard, but it has to be alive." she said, and jeongin's mouth fell agape. "you know how it works, for humans, when they inject them a virus, so that white blood cells get used to fight them ?" jeongin nodded. "well, it's somewhat the same thing. lizards practically lay in the sun all day, so their blood and everything is filled with vitamin d, a vitamin given by the sun. if you eat a lizard, your body has enough of these vitamins, from inside, so what comes from outside won't affect you, until some times." 

"you- you're joking, right ? this can't be possible."

irene pursed her lips, and shook her head. "that's why i avoid it most of the time. i do it when i don't have the choice."

"did you do it, while coming here ?"

"don't remind me." her face twisted in disgust. "but yes."

"but my hyungs didn't ? how come ?"

"they weren't exposed in the sun for long. in the forest, the sun rays doesn't get through the trees, since they're y'all and big, and to get here you just have to cross a road. nothing that can hurt them.".

"so what you're telling me, is that i must eat a living lizard, to go out ?"

"that's how it is."

"how does it taste ?"

"it tastes the same as what we used to eat at the cantine, in the castle."

"then- then maybe i can eat it ? ugh, but thought that it's a living lizard, eww. poor creature."

irene shrugged. "i know where to find lizards. should i bring four of them ?"

"uh... i'm not sure chan and seungmin hyung will want to, but yeah, bring them, in case."

"okay, i'll be quick." she said, then she got up, and left the house, going to find lizards.

"ugh, that's scary." jeongin mumbled to himself, at the same time the door opened.

"what is ?" minho asked.

jeongin lifted his head to look at him. "what we have to do, to go out in the sun."

minho squealed excitedly, and ran to sit next to jeongin. "what is it ? tell me ! tell me !"

jeongin proceeded to tell him, then gave him the explications irene had given. minho's face twisted in disgust as well.

"that's what she told me." jeongin finished.

"i suddenly don't want to go out anymore."

"same. but irene already went to look for lizards for us."

"ugh, it would have been so much more easier if we were humans."

"i know right. we wouldn't have to know dohyeon."

"yes ! and we could..." minho sighed. "jeongin, can i tell you a secret ? and you promise to not tell anyone ?"

"of course, hyung."

"i- i kinda, uh... i kinda have a crush on jisung. like, a big crush. that's why i wanna go out, and i'm ready to eat this lizard." he looked at his hands. "is it bad ?"

jeongin couldn't believe his ears. he did like a human, but didn't expect his friend to do as well. especially since minho used to criticize relationship, and acted as if he could never like anyone.

"are you serious ?"

"yes." he pouted. "but i don't know what to do. even if jisung liked me back, i could never be with him, because of dohyeon. i just want to be banned from there, too."

jeongin felt sad for his friend. it's true that being banned was so much more better than the castle. and he knew how many risks thy were taking right now, for him, so he honestly were scared to death of what could happen to them, if dohyeon ever found out.

he didn't know what to do, to help his friend. then an idea hit his mind.

"minho hyung ! i think i have an idea, but it'll have to wait another day, to be done."

"it's okay. i could wait for months, if it means i'd get out."

jeongin was ready to tell his idea to his friend, when the door suddenly opened. both of them had a slight heart attack, and minho looked like he was going to faint, when he saw that it was jisung who opened the door. what if he had heard him ?

"jisung hyung ?" jeongin called, and the boy seemed somewhat embarrassed.

"oh, i'm sorry, i'm so used to hyunjin, that i forgot i had to knock, before. i'm sorry."

"it's okay. but, uh..." jeongin's glanced at minho, "are you here for a long time ?"

"no. i was with everyone else downstairs, and i thought i'd come tell you to stay with us."

minho seemed relieved, and breathed out.

"sure, we're coming."

"okay." jisung closed the door, and his footsteps were heard getting away.

"i'll tell you later, okay ?"

minho nodded. "okay. but still, tell me quickly."



it's been so long, here, i missed writing it. :(

i don't understand why every time i schedule my chapter, and plan everything that should be written, it ends up being too long for me to add another scene. :<

this time, i'll do my best to upload the next chapter quicker than this. :>

i missed you guys uwu.

thanks for reading.


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