chapitre trente-huit

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it had been approximatively fifteen minutes since chan and seungmin left. jisung told minho he would make something quick for both of them, and minho just nodded.

minho was frustrated. no one has ever been able to make him feel this way. what did jisung had more than someone else ?

and minho had seen him only a few times. the first time he met him here, he instantly felt something toward the younger. he tried to keep his usual behavior, but found it hard to do after some times.

and now, he was almost unable to speak, or think straight.

jisung came back, holding a tray with two glasses, filled with a pinkish liquid, and two plates with a cake minho didn't know.

"i hope you like strawberry milkshake and cheesecake !" jisung exclaimed, smiling nervously.

minho wanted to say yes. how could he like something he didn't know ? but jisung made it for them, and he seemed to like it.

minho thought that even if it tasted bad, he'd still like it.

"i- i don't know what it is." he said instead.

jisung frowned, laying the tray on the table, and sitting next to him.

"you... don't ? do you mean you never tasted it ? but you know what it is, right ?"

minho started fidgeting with his fingers. he had already heard about it, but until now, he didn't even know what it looked like nor what it was.

"kinda ?"

"i don't want to sound rude, but... why is it, that neither you or your friends know basic food ?"

"is it really basic food ?"

"well, yeah. i mean, not basic in a way where it's necessary to eat it, but it's really famous food, at least."

"it... it doesn't exist, where i'm from."

"where are you from ?"

"not- not far from here."

jisung rose an eyebrow, and minho understood that his answer didn't satisfy him. it wasn't surprising, though, since it wasn't even a real answer.

minho couldn't stop thinking about his stuttering. he never stuttered from nervousness before —not even when he was a kid !

jisung then smiled at him, "don't answer what you don't to answer." he handed him a glass, "and, i guess it's your time to taste it."

"right." he took a sip, frowned, and took another sip.

jisung was chewing on his lips, watching him.

"so ? how is it ? do you not like it ?"

"no, i do." he answered, still frowning.

jisung released a deep breath.

"so what's with the frown ?"

"it's weird. i've always been told that i should never eat or drink things from here, and that they were awful. so i wasn't expecting it to be this good."

"i'm worried about the place you're from." jisung chuckled.

"you-" he cut himself, and just smiled awkwardly.

you wouldn't be chuckling, if you knew, minho thought.

"taste the cheesecake, now. it's my favorite food ever !"

banned. // hyunin/hyunjeong Where stories live. Discover now