chapitre dix-sept.

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jisung had ordered a hamburger, while jeongin hesitated a lot. he mainly hesitated on wether to eat, or not. he was hungry, but he didn't know what he could eat, here. he never tasted human food, before.

but he ended up ordering a steak. he asked them to not cook it well, and let it bloody. he was glad they had this meal, here. jisung's hamburger didn't seem appealing to him, at all.

while he ate, he couldn't stop thinking. what should he do, now ? he couldn't stay at hyunjin's place for too long. the boy wasn't forced to host him, and he couldn't take the chance of him or jisung knowing what he really was.

"what are you thinking about ?" jisung suddenly asked.

"mhm ?" jeongin looked at him, not wanting to tell him. "oh, nothing. i'm just a bit tired."

"then let's finish, and we'll head home, so you'll get some sleep."

jeongin smiled slightly. "okay."

after some minutes, jeongin started to feel really uncomfortable. he felt as if someone was watching him. he shifted on his seat, trying to ignore that feeling. anyway, it couldn't be dohyeon. he would never come here, at that hour, and risk a contact with a human.

"excuse me ?" a feminine voice called.

both jeongin and jisung turned their head toward her. she had black hair, and was dressed in all black.

"um... yes ?" jeongin asked.

"well, i'm really sorry to interrupt you guys. i'm also sorry, i've been starring at you for quite some times, now. in fact, i just feel like i know you, but i just can't remember who you are."

"uh... my name is yang jeongin, don't know if it helps ?"

"yang jeongin ? it's you ?" she exclaimed. "i couldn't even recognize you ! oh, my name's bae irene, by the way."

jeongin frowned. "bae irene ? you mean, joohyun noona ?"

irene opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but closed it. then she re-opened it. "it's been years since no one called me that. i didn't expect you to know me, neither my real name."

"i didn't expect you to know me either."

jisung cleared his throat. "uh... would someone explain to me the situation ?"

jeongin and irene turned their head toward jisung, then looked at each other again.

no one was sure of what they should answer, and it was irene who did.

"jeongin and i are related. we just never met each other."

"oh..." jisung nodded. "'kay, i won't interrupt you anymore, then."

"no no, it's okay." irene smiled. "i'm the one who interrupted. i'll leave you alone, now. jeongin, can we meet up again ? there's things we need to talk about."

jeongin was a bit unsure. he didn't really know her, and he was anxious about what she wanted to talk about. but he was also curious, so he decided to accept.

"alright. when ?"

"what about sunday ? you know a place very well, here. let's go there."

and with that, she walked away, to a group of girls.

jisung rose a brow. "what place ?"

jeongin was chewing on his lips, thinking himself of the place she was referring to. "i'm not sure either. i guess i have to figure it out."

"well, it's friday, today, so you have two days to do so."

"i guess it'll be enough."

"i never knew you had such beautiful people in your family. even your friends are handsome, what the fuck ? why do i just have hyunjin ?"

jeongin laughed, not expecting this at all. "hyunjin is handsome."

"people are always beautiful, when you like them."

"yah, jisung !"

jisung widened his eyes. "did you just yah-ed me ? i'm older than you !"

"so what ?"

"tss, what are kids these days."

"you're just some months older than me ? you were literally born at the end of 2000, and i was born at the beginning of 2001."

"i'm still older !"

"how does hyunjin even stand you ?"

"hey ! that was mean." he pouted.

jeongin laughed. "just eat your weird food."

"you're literally the first person i know who hates hamburger. how does i feel to have an uneducated tongue ?"

jeongin rose his brow. "i should ask you the same thing."

jisung shrugged, and took a bite of the burger. "then i'll answer you that it feels good." he said, his mouth full.



i decided to post this chapter early, since i was late, for the previous one.

am i not amazing ? 😌

jk jk lmao.

anyway, in case some of you don't know, bae irene (bae joohyun) is red velvet's leader. :)

she's my girl ult, so i couldn't not add her, lol.

i hope the story is starting to interest you more aksksks.

thanks for reading.


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