chapitre trente-deux

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no one.

minho was walking in front, holding jeongin's arm. the younger's legs were still shaking, but nonetheless, he seemed to have enjoyed the ride, as he couldn't help a smile on his face —minho knew that it was mostly because he got to get physically close to hyunjin.

he was happy for him, especially since he saw how it made him happy. minho would always be happy, if jeongin was. after all, jeongin was basically his 'son'.

but despite that, he was jealous. even more than this morning. he was seated next to jisung, and the latter didn't do anything to get closer to him. he didn't even offer to hold his hand ! and yet minho was scared to death —even though he made his best to hide it, he still was. and that idiot didn't make a single move.

"hyung, what's bothering you ?" jeongin ended up asking.

"nothing." minho answered, drier than he had expected and wanted.

"i can clearly see that there's something. is t because of jisung hyung ?"

"pfft, not even, why would you think such a thing ?"

"because you told me you liked him, and i don't see anything else that could be bothering you, at that moment."

"well it could be dohyeon, for example."

jeongin contemplated for a bit, then slightly scrunched his nose, and shook his head. "nah, you never reacted this way because of dohyeon before."

"what way ?"

"when it's about dohyeon, you're annoyed and scared, even though you hide it. but now... you seem very angry, and... maybe sad ? yeah, looks like that mix."

"ridiculous." he mumbled. "sadness is not in my emotion agenda."

"having an agenda doesn't prevent the unexpected to happen."

"stop playing wise man with me."

"i'm not. i'm just trying to be there for you. you know you can trust me, right ?"

minho sighed. "i know."

"then what is it ?"

"it's jisung." he decided to admit.

"what has he done ?"

"nothing ! he did nothing, and that's the problem !"

"what do you mean ?"

"you see, the way hyunjin act with you, like... he's taking care of you, he shows that he likes you, he holds your hand, he does a lot of skin ship with you,... on the roller coaster, he comforted you by hugging you. jisung doesn't do any of that. he basically doesn't show any interest with me, i could not be here, it wouldn't a difference. and now i'm starting to think if it was really worth risking our lives, just to come here, and spend time with him."

jeongin understood what minho meant. he would have sad too, if hyunjin was ignoring him, the way jisung was ignoring minho. but he didn't know what to tell his friend, at the moment. also, it wasn't like words could help him feel any better.

"hyung, i..." he shrugged, "i'm not sure if hat i could say."

"it's okay."

"but i know what i could do, though."

"don't do anything that'll let jisung know i like him."

"no, never ! just trust me on this."

minho looked at jeongin, who was already looking at him. then he sighed, and nodded.

banned. // hyunin/hyunjeong Where stories live. Discover now