chapitre vingt.

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jeongin obeyed, and sat on his mom's grave, followed by irene, who sat across from him.

jeongin thought that everything irene had to say would feel like too much new informations, and all he wanted was to tell his three friends.

"so, my birth name is actually yang joohyun, as i'm dohyeon's daughter." she started.

jeongin's mouth fell agape. "you- you are his daughter ?" his eyes widened.

"yes. unfortunately, i am. you know, i wasn't even supposed to be born, as my mom wanted to leave this assholes, but he raped her." she looked in front of her, and jeongin covered his mouth with his hands.

"then he threatened her, if she ever tried to leave, so eventually she stayed. your dad wasn't aware of this, but once he knew, he helped my mom. at that moment, i was already born, so he took her away from him, and raised me like his own daughter, as my mom died, because of how dohyeon had been treating her.

"one day, though, dohyeon managed to trick me into his room, and tried to abuse me." she winced at the memory, and jeongin didn't know what to do in this situation, so he stayed silent.

"thankfully, your dad knew about it, and managed to save me. then dohyeon told me that he wasn't done with me, and that if i stayed at the castle, he'd do the most horrible things to me. that's why i left —or more like ran away. your dad told me to go to your mom, though, and i lived with her. when dohyeon came to kill her, she made me go before. i owe my life to your parents." she finally looked at jeongin, who was speechless.

"that- i- i don't know how to react. my dad never told me, even though i asked a lot about you, cause i have faint memories of you. i always thought you were my sister, until i hear that your last name was bae."

"that's my mom's last name. i took it, cause i didn't want to have anything to do with dohyeon."

"he's disgusting. how have you been, since then ?"

"i've been... okay, i guess. i met a group of girls, once. all of them met at an orphanage, and then ran away together, to try and live their life. we now live together."

"what a life."

"i know right."

"hey, but tell me, why did i never met you or knew about you, yet i used to visit my mom often ?"

"your parents didn't want you to know about me yet. they were afraid of what could happen to you, if dohyeon found out you knew everything. your dad was the headman there, but no one could never keep dohyeon from doing anything."

"you're right." jeongin stayed silent, before a thought crossed his mind. "are the girls you're living with humans ?"

irene seemed to be a bit embarrassed. "eh... yeah, they are."

jeongin scoffed. "i can't believe you ! you were literally scolding me for something you do !"

"because when i was younger, i almost drank someone's blood, yet, as you, i'm against it. now i grew up, i don't have to go through puberty anymore, so i calmed down. that's why i was worried."

"don't worry, it'll be okay."

"i hope. could we meet another time ? i'd like to stay in contact."

jeongin smiled shyly. "i'd like too. can i call you my sister ? i was really disappointed when i learned you weren't."

irene ruffled his hair, as she chuckled. "of course you can." she got up. "let's go, now. also i'd like to meet these humans you're living with."

"oof, you're taking the sister role too seriously."

"of course ! should i remind you that i assisted your birth ? i am your sister, even if we're not related, and even if you hadn't asked."

it was jeongin's turn to get up. "fine, why don't you just pass by ? his house is just at the exit of the forest, you can't miss it ; it's the smallest, and the only grey one."

"fine, i'll come."

then both of them transformed as bats, and went to their ways.


yes guys i know,,, i'm the worst author ever 😩

i'm sooooo soooo sooo sorry for being late 😔 i know i said i would update it soon, but it turned out i couldn't :(((

being here is pretty busy tbh, so not only i don't have time to write more chapters, but not even to update!

y'all i don't even live in my house cause the previous person that lived in the flat don't want to quit now, yet we paid it ?
she's messed up fr

anyway, for a good new : i gave my phone to someone to fix it, i hope they will do it quickly.

well i won't bore you any more hehe

edit : omg guys i just saw i was ranked first in
hyunjeong 🥺🥺 y'all are honestly the best thank you so much i love y'all 🥺💜

thanks for reading.


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