chapitre trente-six

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after taking his human form back, both of them were surprised : jeongin didn't think he'd still look like a beast, and irene definitely wasn't expecting that.

jeongin and irene were sitting in the kitchen, as jeongin was telling her everything. he struggled, when he had to mention to kiss, even though he knew irene wasn't the judging kind —it still felt embarrassing to talk about it.

wendy, who knew about vampires, hadn't been really afraid, but still, irene forbid her to stay with them.

"it happened after he kissed you ?"

jeongin nodded slowly. "yeah."

"tell me, how long has it been since you last drank blood ?"

"it was this morning, when i ate the lizard, i drank the blood at the same time."

"and when did you drink, before that ?"

"probably like a month ago, or something like that."

"well there goes your reason. i told you living with humans was dangerous, and you don't even try to be careful !"

a part of jeongin felt relieved that it was the reason —as he hoped. but he still looked down, ashamed, cause irene was right. he shouldn't have underestimated his vampire nature, just because he was half human, and could bear the need of blood better than true vampires.

he remembered the thoughts he had last time, where he was hurting hyunjin, and felt even more bad. he was so afraid to hurt hyunjin, but was about to, due to his carelessness.

"i'm sorry." was all he could say.

"i know you are, so now i hope that you'll be careful."

"i will. i just... i don't know where to find blood. i can't hunt, i never did and don't even know how to, and i don't have any reserves."

"i do. i have plenty of blood, cause i have a vampire friend that hunts for both him and i. i'll give you as much as you want."

"really ?"

"do you really ask ?" she exhaled a laugh. "of course, my duty is to help and protect you."

"thank you, noona." jeongin smiled. "so now... if i go back to hyunjin's house, am i dangerous ?"

"no. drink at least one glass of blood everyday, and you won't be of any danger."

"that's good to know."

irene nodded. both of them went silent for some minutes. while jeongin was thinking about hyunjin, irene was contemplating wether or not she should talk about what has been bothering her for some times.

finally, she decided to ask.

"um... jeongin ? i need to talk to you about something."

"sure, what is it ?"

"it's about the... well, um... about that situation."

"uh... which situation exactly ?"

"from your parents' murder, to dohyeon becoming the headman, to him throwing you out, to your friends still living there and possibly being in danger. what will you do ? do you have anything in mind ?"

"yes, i do." he nodded, looking in front of him. "i told minho hyung today that i had to tell him about my plan, but we had to go out, and i didn't have the time, afterward."

"what is this plan ? do you think it could work ?"

"i... think, yeah. but it can't work if we're alone, we'd need the rest of the village to help."

"help in what way ?"

"do you know about my father's letter ?"

"his letter ? the one explaining what has been going on ?"

"yeah. dohyeon doesn't know about it."

"so your plan is to steal it ?"

"basically. if i manage to, and like spread everything in the village, i'll have everyone on my side, except of course dohyeon's party, but they're fewer."

"and how do you plan to do that ?"

"i'm not sure yet, but i'll need everyone's help." jeongin paused, then talked again, "i'll have to tell the other before, so i'll have to go to the castle."

"why would you go there ? it's way too dangerous !"

"i have to ! i can't plan everything from here."

"will you need me to come too ?"

"honestly, yes. like i said, i'll need you, but... i know this place brings bad memories to you, so i can't force you to accept. it's okay if you don't want, though, i'd understand." he smiled.

irene opened her mouth to talk, then closed it. it was true that the castle, and dohyeon's presence reminded her of horrible things, and made her feel uncomfortable ; she hadn't moved on fully (being almost raped, killed, and assisting a murder wasn't as easy to move on from) but thanks to the help she's been getting from her human friends', and the vampire she befriended, she managed to get better. she thought that maybe helping jeongin and bring dohyeon down would help too.

"you don't have to answer now." jeongin shrugged, "take your time, and tell me, whatever you decide is okay."

"thank you." irene smiled. "now go back home, and tell your beloved boyfriend that that situation was nothing." she lightly punched his shoulder, with a playful smile.

jeongin blushed slightly. everyone obviously knew that there was something between him and hyunjin, but whenever it was mentioned, he felt really shy and embarrassed about it.

"don't tease me !" he whined.

"you two are just really cute !"

jeongin smiled shyly, looking at his hands. "thanks ?"

he wasn't even sure of his answer, but didn't know what to say anyway.

"come on, you can go, i won't hold you any longer. remember you can come anytime, even if i'm sleeping, just wake me up."

"you know i wouldn't do that."

"if it's an emergency, you will."

jeongin laughed. "you're probably right." he got up, followed by irene. "thank you again, noona."

"it's okay."

then he left, going back to hyunjin's house.


i didn't take a month —or more— this time are you proud of me 😔✊

anyway i guess some action is on the way (i can't guarantee it'd be good tho lol) (>人<;)

oh also next chapter will probably be mainly around minsung —i'm kinda sorry if this ff is like going in circle or something, i guess i have too much idea for it but can't manage them well :(

uh yeah that's all hope this somewhat filler wasn't too boring ajsjd TT

thanks for reading


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