chapitre vingt-huit

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hyunjin had suggested to go out, today, making jisung happy and excited. he said it's been long since he hung out, and he started to feel locked out.

but obviously, the rest of them —the non humans— couldn't just go out like this. no, they wouldn't die with the sun, nor turn into ashes, but it'll be obvious how their energy will be lacking. the sun was still an enemy.

though jeongin and minho really wanted to go, confusing the others.

"minho, jeongin," chan called them, "could you two please come for a second ? we need to discuss something."

minho and jeongin looked at each other, then at chan, and followed him. seungmin decided that he would go with them as well.

"what ?" minho crossed his arms, after jeongin closed his bedroom door.

"y'all are aware that we can not go with them, right ?"

"why not ?" they both answered.

"guys, it's morning ! after an hour we won't even be able to walk properly !"

"you're slightly exaggerating." minho said.

"minho ! we already don't have the right to be with human, to not get caught, and going out with them is allowing them to discover our nature."

jeongin fidgeted in his place, and bit his lower lip. how was he supposed to let them know that hyunjin was already aware of everything ? obviously he couldn't, chan would probably punish him for life.

"may-" jeongin cleared his throat, "maybe we could ask irene ?"

"what would we ask her ?" chan raised an eyebrow.

"since she lives with humans, and did so for years, she probably knows some tricks. she did help me this morning, with my little problem, i told you about earlier."

"yes, jeongin's right ! irene can help us !"

chan and seungmin exchanged a look, then looked back at the two disobeying vampires.

"okay, so you two are gonna have to tell me what's up." chan crossed his arms.

"i don't know what you're talking about, there's nothing."

"yeah, jeongin's right. nothing's up, maybe you should ask what's down."

seungmin raised a brow. "what's down ?"

"i never said something was down, but there's more chance to have something down than something up."

seungmin turned to chan. "this guy's always spitting nonsense." he pointed his index finger at minho.

chan sighed. "unfortunately. you should just ignore it."

"yah ! you guys, i'm here."

"yes, you're here, and we're here too, you ain't special." seungmin replied.

"ah, i see. and i'm the one spitting nonsense ?"

"enough of this. you two won't get away with that by finding distractions. tell me now what's up with you two and the humans, before i start assuming things."

"listen, hyung." jeongin said. "now that i'm banned from the castle, i'm a free vampire. i can do whatever i want, i can follow my own rules —and i don't even have any. so i have the right to go with them. they said they were going to the amusement park, and minho hyung and i always wanted to go to one." he half-lied.

they did dreamed about going once in an amusement park, cause it seemed so magical. but, jisung and hyunjin never talked about amusement park —jeongin would just convince them to go there. and, it was obvious that they wanted to go just to spend time with the humans they were interested in.

banned. // hyunin/hyunjeong Where stories live. Discover now