chapitre vingt-six

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jeongin came back in the kitchen with irene, under everyone's curious eyes.

"are you okay, jeongin ?" jisung asked, seemingly worried.

jisung did look weird, when he came in the kitchen, telling irene that jeongin needed her, "immediately".

"yes, i'm fine, hyung." jeongin offered a small smile.

hyunjin wondered if it had anything to do with what jeongin told him last night. about him being a vampire.

what could have been wrong ? why was jeongin looking so weird, and dazed ? he was usually so chirpy, and smiling, being the cutest small bean ever.

hyunjin didn't like to see him like this. he seemed sad. it didn't suit him.

hyunjin and jisung started to eat, then irene followed them, and then minho, and seungmin. chan was a bit more hesitant, but gave in, and ate as well. jeongin was the only one who didn't eat. he just looked at his empty plate absentmindedly.

hyunjin wanted to talk to him. but not here. not in front of everyone.

so he put his fork down, took a breath, and looked toward jeongin's direction.

"innie, could we talk for a second, please ?" he asked.

everyone turned to look at him, but he didn't pay attention to anyone. he just kept his gaze on the cute creature.

"oh, uh, now ?"

"yes. it's kinda urgent."

"oh, well, i- uh... aren't we eating, right now ?"

"you're not eating, and you do not look like you're about to. and i'm done. so, can we ?"

jeongin quickly glanced at irene, who was already looking at him. hyunjin caught his pleading eyes, even though they lasted only a second.

"listen, hyunjin." irene cleared her throat. "i think you should talk after breakfast. we're all here together, so let's enjoy this moment ; you'll have plenty of time to talk, after."

hyunjin looked at her. he didn't want to listen to her. he had to talk to jeongin. of course he could wait a few minutes, but he didn't want to. jeongin wasn't all right, and he felt useless, not being able to help him.

"it's urgent." he repeated.

did she think he was going to give up so easily ? well, if it was for something else, he could have, but not when it came to his baby.

hyunjin froze, and his eyes widened slightly, at his thought. he had just call jeongin his baby. and t wasn't unusual, for him, to call someone that, as he already did with jisung. but the meaning of it was completely different, with jeongin.

he had call jisung his baby, more as a joke, than anything. but now, calling jeongin his baby wasn't a joke.

hyunjin liked jeongin. he had started to be conscious of his feelings before the boy had to go meet irene, but the moment he knew he really liked him was while jeongin was telling him the truth about him. the fact that he wasn't human didn't bother him much, and even though he thought that drinking animal blood was disgusting, he didn't blame jeongin. the creature didn't have a choice, everyone knew vampires drank blood ; but the fact that jeongin didn't want to drink human blood was... cute ? hyunjin didn't understand how he found that cute. but then again, everything related to jeongin would be cute, in his eyes.

so thinking of him as his baby meant so much to him. he wanted jeongin to be his baby. his everything. well, he already was hyunjin's everything, but was hyunjin anything to him, other than a human hosting him ?

well, back to the breakfast.

jeongin and irene exchanged a look, then jeongin sighed, and looked at hyunjin.

"fine. come on." he said, as he got up.

hyunjin seemed surprised. "oh, really ?"

"aren't you the one who wanted to talk ?"

"yes, yes, i want to talk to you. come on."

hyunjin quickly got up, and grabbed jeongin's hand, leading him out of the kitchen, and into his room.


ugh, this chapter scream fuller energy :(

well, the good news is that the next one is already half written, so except if something happens to me, it'll be up really soon. :>

also,, is there any nctzens, reading this ? cause i kinda started writing a lot of nct x readers stories, and i wondered of y'all would like me to post one ? :)

the most 'elaborated' one is with taeyong, and is called be mine. would you guys check it out, if i ever post it ? :)

and don't forget to give my other book (accidentally king) a chance —please, lol, it's flopping :<

anyway, i'll stop promoting myself.

thanks for reading.


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