chapitre quarante et un

704 42 69


jeongin didn't how much time passed, as him and the other vampire were looking at each other. it was more like the other was glaring at him, while he was looking wide-eyed and obviously scared.

he knew it was a bad choice to look so weak, but at this moment, his brain couldn't proceed fully what happened, thus he couldn't react properly to it.

he slightly shook his head, and changed his expression. he was now glaring at the other as well. he knew his eyes were turning red, and felt his fangs grow.

"who the fuck are you ?" the other vampire asked, with a really deep voice.

"shouldn't i be the one asking that ?" jeongin replied coldly. "you were the one jumping on me out of no fucking where."

"because you shouldn't be here."

"says who ?"

"says me."

"and why exactly should you have a say in anything i'm doing ?"

"because i know what you are, and you're roaming too close to someone i'm protecting."

jeongin frowned. "what ? and who's that ?" he asked, though he already guessed who it was.

"are you playing dumb ?" he asked, clearly annoyed. "so you've came to this exact house, and you don't know who lives inside ?"

"so you're talking about irene noona ?" he asked, as the guy's words had confirmed his guess.

it was the stranger's turn to frown. "irene noona ?"

"yeah. i think you've been mistaken, if you think you have to protect her from me. we know each other."

"so who are you ?"

"my name's jeongin."

"jeongin... what ?"

"yang jeongin."

the stranger's eyes widened as he heard jeongin's full name. "so it's you !" he exclaimed. "irene noona told me she found you again, that's why i was scared when you came. i thought someone from the castle might have come to do something to her, considering she was in contact with you."

"so you're aware of everything that's been happening ?"

"yeah. every vampires in this village is aware of what happened since... well, your dad. we know about what dohyeon has been doing, we know about what happened to you,... we know everything."

"news get by quickly."

"you could say that."

"yeah, but like... could you get off me ? i mean, since we've established that i was on the good side."

"oh, sure." he got up, and helped jeongin up too. "i'm sorry by the way."

"thanks. and no worry, it's fine. i'm actually glad there's someone to protect irene noona."

the guy smiled, as his eyes turned back to brown orbs, and his fangs got smaller again. jeongin was shook to see how cute he was in his normal form —while he was beyond scary once he transformed, partly because of his really deep voice.

"i think i haven't told you my name yet, i'm felix. lee felix." he extended his hand to jeongin. "it's nice to finally meet you, yang jeongin."

"it's nice to me too," he shook his hand, "but, um... finally ?" he tilted his head on the side.

"don't tell me you're surprised ? you're the son of the greatest vampires of all time ! obviously people would want to meet you ! i was really young when i left the castle, and a part of me is glad i did, but the other wished i could've stayed. it's maybe just a wishful thinking, but i wanted to be part of it to honor your dad and maybe try and change things there." he smiled sadly. "i'm sorry im ranting, right ?"

banned. // hyunin/hyunjeong Where stories live. Discover now