chapitre douze.

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hyunjin and jisung always knew each other, since they lived in the same neighborhood, and went to the same school. though they used to hate each other's guts —for no appearing reason, they jus couldn't stand each other.

but hyunjin was the kid no one liked, and he was bullied everyday. the main reason was because he had a nerdy personality, and had family issues, so the other students thought it was a reason to bully him.

jisung never bullied him, and wasn't even aware that the boy was going through this, as his bullies did it when and where no one could see.

but once, he actually saw them, behind the school building, and rushed to help hyunjin, when he saw their classmates hit him.

after that, he made sure this wouldn't happen anymore to hyunjin. he felt really protective, when he saw how vulnerable hyunjin could be.

and that was how their friendship began, as unexpected as it was for the both of them.

"are you just gonna invite people here now ?" minho scolded.

"it's not me, he invited himself. besides, is it not my house ?" hyunjin rose an eyebrow, cursing himself for trying to find excuses in front of minho.

"but do you think it's the moment ? you have a boy in an awful state at your house, do you want to bring all the neighborhood to see him ?"

"jisung isn't from this neighborhood. he lives five hours away from here. and he's not everyone, he's my best friend."

"minho hyung." jeongin called, drawing the attention of both boys on him. "i know you're being protective and all, but don't worry. you know hyunjin means no harm at all."

minho sighed. "yeah, but still. what if his friend does ?"

"then we'll see about him."

"jisung is probably the kindest person on earth." hyunjin defended. "he wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"it's up to us to decide wether he's harmless or not." minho snapped.

"chill, dude." seungmin rolled his eyes.

"yah ! i'm still older than you !"

"yes, sorry, mom." he emphasized on the word, causing jeongin to raise a brow.

"mom ?" he asked.

"ah, hyung didn't tell you ?" seungmin chirped. "he adopted me as well !"

jeongin tried to fight a smile, but failed, as his lips curved in a weird way upward. "you know i don't like you, right ?"

seungmin smiled brightly. "i know, you love me."

"minho, you need to stop adopting everyone." chan sighed.

"don't tell me how to live my life !"

hyunjin just stood there, in front of everyone. he was still standing, with the plate in his hands.

"y'all seem... special." he commented.

"you'd be surprised." minho scoffed.

"what with the adoption thingy ?" he asked, as he finally decided to sit, putting the plate down on the table. "and why is he a mom ?" he pointed at minho.

"uh..." chan started. "minho likes to act like a mom." he shrugged, but hyunjin was skeptical.

"that sounds weird."

"minho is weird."

"i wanna say 'true' but minho is glaring at me, right now."

seungmin scoffed. "ignore him. he act tough and all, but he's actually a softie."

"that's not true." minho said. 

it was chan's turn to scoff. "you're actually cuddling jeongin, and petting his hair."

"only jeongin has the special treatment."

"i see." seungmin crossed his arms. "you chose your favorite child."

"he's been my child longer than you. in a few days, probably,  you'll have this treatment as well."

hyunjin stopped listening to them, as he focused his attention on jeongin. he had his head on minho's chest, and his arms around him. his eyes were fluttering, showing that he was about to fall asleep. hyunjin knew he probably didn't sleep well last night.

he found himself smiling, as jeongin looked really fluffy and soft. it made him want to cuddle him as well.

he frowned, and shook his head, when he realized what crossed his mind.

but he didn't have time to think further about it, as he heard the front door open. he turned his head toward it, and soon, he saw jisung arriving in the small living room, with a backpack, and a bag in his hand.

"jinnie i'm here- oh." he stopped, and his smile fell, when he saw all the people gathered in hyunjin's house. "i mean, everyone, i'm here."


hey guys~ ( ◠‿◠ )

i know i've been gone only for three days, but somehow it felt like forever! maybe it was because of the idea that i was gone.
but whatever ig. :)

hope you enjoyed the chapter.

thanks for reading.


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