chapitre onze.

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when hyunjin opened the door, he frowned, as three strangers were standing in front of him. the only person that visited him, since he first moved here, was his only friend jisung. but he lived far, so he couldn't come often.

"who are you ?" he asked.

curious, jeongin got closer, as he couldn't see who was at the door. then his eyes lit up.

"hyungies !" he yelled, running toward the door.

hyunjin didn't have time to get his answer, as he was shoved on the side, by a brunet.

"my son !" that same brunet opened his arms, and jeongin jumped into them. "for satan's sake, are you all right ? did this human did something to you ?" he grabbed his face, examining it.

jeongin giggled. "no he did nothing, he just healed me."

the guy raised a brow. "he did ?"

jeongin nodded. "yeah."

the brunet let go of jeongin, who went to greet his other two friends, as he walked toward hyunjin.

hyunjin felt intimidated for some reasons. this guy was imposant and his insanely good looks emphasized on this aspect.

he took some steps backward. "uh... i'm- i'm hyunjin."

the guy tilted his head. "i'm minho. i don't usually say this, but thank you for taking care of my son."

"your son ? aren't you too young to be a dad ?"

"a dad ? who even talked about dads ? i'm his mom."

"his mom ?" hyunjin frowned.

"yeah, is there something wrong with that ?"

"not at all." he shook his head furiously.

"minho, you're scaring him." a blond chimed in, and hyunjin felt relieved, as minho's attention wasn't on him anymore.

"i know, and that's what i want."

the blond guy rolled his eyes, then took some steps toward hyunjin, and extended his hand for him to take. "my name is chan."

hyunjin took his hand. "uh, i guess you already heard, but i'm hyunjin."

chan just smiled at him, then gestured toward the third guy, whose arm was wrapped around jeongin's shoulder. "and this is seungmin."

said seungmin waved, and he awkwardly waved back.

hyunjin thought that chan and seungmin seemed nice, but he didn't like this minho guy. he didn't seem nice at all !

"how did you come here ? what about dohyeon ?" jeongin asked.

"it still sounds weird that you call him by his first name." seungmin commented.

the younger scoffed. "what should i call him, then ? uncle ?"

"just saying." seungmin lifted his hands, in defense.

"anyway." minho cut them. "you know how he's always busy at those times, so we sneaked out. which was hard, cause he told everyone to keep us from going out, and locked our window. but we're smarter than he thinks we are."

as time passed by, hyunjin was becoming more and more confused about this situation.

"i'm happy to see you, guys." jeongin flashed a sad smile.

minho went back to him, hugging him again, tightly. "don't worry, baby, we'll come check on you often."

jeongin nodded. "thank you. can you stay for a bit, though ?"

"of course ! except if it's inconvenient for you, hyunjin ?" minho turned his head toward him, and it was obvious that he didn't care wether it was convenient or not.

hyunjin shook his head. "no."

he was sincere. it's true that he didn't know them, and neither jeongin, but he saw how happy he was to see his friends. he didn't have the heart to say no.

"uh, how about you all come in ? and maybe i can serve you a drink —though i don't have a lot of things."

minho scoffed. "do you have blood ?"

chan hit his chest. "yah !"

hyunjin let a laugh escale his lips, "of course. and do you want to eat flesh, with it ?"

"only if it's yours."

"i'll just give you some grenadine."

minho frowned. "grenadine ?"

"you don't know what it is ?" hyunjin raised a brow.

"of course i do, i just never tasted it before."

"it's about time you do, huh. it really tastes good !"

"okay, then, if you say so."

hyunjin walked toward the kitchen, as the group of friends went to the living room. then he received a message. it was his friend jisung.

jisung; jinnie i have good new : your ass is about to be entertained by me ^-^

hyunjin; ji, you could've just said 'i'm coming'

jisung; nah because this way it doesn't stress the fact that i'll entertain you >:(

hyunjin; in both ways you won't entertain me anyway

jisung; yah! why are you always so mean to me ;((

hyunjin; because :D

hyunjin; anyway, when you'll be here, don't ask too much questions —there's a lot of things that are happening since yesterday and i'll try explaining to you after even tho i don't understand either

jisung; weird but k, im like an hour away from your place

hyunjin; so you're telling me after you've been on your way for four hours ? what if i had said no ?

jisung; i still would have come 🤠

hyunjin; yeah i should've expected that

hyunjin rolled his eyes, then joined the rest of the guys in the living room, carrying a plate, where were five glasses of grenadine.

"i'm just telling you, but my friend is coming."


ugh my wifi doesn't work anymore, it doesn't even connect on my phone. 😫

im posting this from a café, so if i happen to not post for a few days, i'm sorry, it's the wifi. :(

i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

thanks for reading.


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