|20| Pre-Break, Third Year

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Remus was in the hospital wing after a particularly rough full moon. Madam Pomfrey had healed almost all of his scars but he was tired and couldn't go to class. The rest of the marauders decided to visit him instead.

"Moony! How are you?" James asked loudly and Madam Pomfrey gave him a stern look. "I mean, Moony, how are you?" he said whispering this time.

"Why are you here?" Remus asked coldly. "Thought you didn't like me," he said, looking at Sirius.

"Because we are friends and friends support each other," Peter said looking at Sirius.

"Moony, come on... You know he didn't call you that on purpose, don't you?" Riley said quietly. Remus looked at all of them and bit his lip as he tried avoiding eye contact.

"...Fine," he mumbled. All of them sat next to him on the ground.

"So, are you going home for Christmas?" Peter asked.

"Yeah! And for the last time, mum said you can all come as well!" James said.

"I'll try to get away from my lovely mother... If I can, why not," Sirius said.

"Also, the full moon is on January eighteenth next, sooo..." James said looking at Remus.

"Fine. I'll come," Remus said briskly.

"Riley, come on, you're the only one left now..."

"No. I don't think I can," she answered. "I wanna stay with my mum and sister, I don't want them to be alone."

"Oh, well okay, you can come for summer," James said. Riley nodded.


Riley went to the library to return the books she took and get some new ones. She wandered around for a while as she got stopped by someone.

"Hello," a soft voice said. Riley jumped and turned her head. Lily Evans. "Did I scare you?"

"No, it's okay... Hi."

"Which book are you searching for?"

"Nothing in specific," she answered. Lie. She was looking at a book about animagi and how they could become one. "What 'bout you?"

"I was looking for a book about potions, Sev said he could help me with it this year," Lily said. Riley wanted to roll her eyes but she didn't want to be mean.

"Oh — that's nice of him—"

"I know you don't like him, don't lie."

"Yeah, he's horrible," Riley blurted out. "Where's Mary and Marlene?"

"They don't like the library much, are you going home for—"


"Me too, wonder what my sister will say this time..." Lily said.

"You have a sister?"

"Yes. Petunia, she's not a witch."

"Oh, are you close with her?"

"Used to be, when I got my letter she started calling me a freak."

"Oh — I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"You also have a sister, right?" Lily asked

"Yeah, Ivy."

"You said she was a healer before."

"Yeah, I also wanna become one."

"You're good at Potions," Lily said, Riley smiled.


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