|37| Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, Fourth Year

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20th of February, 1975

It was another snowy morning. The lake was frozen from the glacial weather and the strong chilly wind was blowing. The whooshes of the wind could be heard from the window. Riley woke up and quickly changed into her quidditch sweater and pants. She grabbed her beater bat and gloves as she left the dorm room. 

She went to the Great Hall. The Gryffindor's had scarlet and gold face paint as well as the Slytherin's who now had big green flags. Riley sat at the table as she took some food.

"Where's Felicity?" James asked as he looked around the crowded hall. "We need to tell her the new strategy!"

"We'll see her eventually... I bet Dalton's already told her," Riley answered as he took the cup to drink water. 

"What if he didn't?!"

"There she is!" Riley said as she pointed at the girl with strawberry blonde hair that reached her back. She had a long face and a long nose. She confusedly looked at James who was now running towards her.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she took a step back.

"Did Dalton tell you—"

"Riley did," Felicity said. James slowly turned to Riley who was now trying to hide her laughing face with the cup of water. He sat down at the table as he looked at Riley.

"Very funny..." he said as he adjusted his glasses. Riley kept laughing silently as she put her gloves on. 

"So, Moony, are you going to commentate again?" Riley said this time. Remus looked at her.

"No, thank god..." Remus said.

"What?! Why? I think you were a great commentator last time! Didn't you get month-long detention from McGonagall?" she said smilingly. 

"Shut up," he said as he kept eating. 


Riley and James went to the quidditch pitch to meet up with the team. Nobody was there, the pitch was empty since there was still an hour to the game. It was still snowing and Riley's cheeks were now red from the cold. 

"I told you we were late," James complained.

"You're such a quidditch nerd. Seriously, we are early!" Riley said as she opened the door. The room was empty. The chalkboard with the pitch drawn on it was labeled with different techniques and positions. Not even Dalton was there. "Told you so..." 

"Oh— so it is a bit early..." James said as he sat on one of the benches. 

"A bit?!" Riley asked as she laughed. "Half an hour!"

"We have to win this game, if we lose, we'll become second in the ranking," James said as he studied the board.

"Yeah, we can't let Slytherin win!" Riley said.

"Exactly!" James said excitedly. "Try to get Regulus out of the game this time, he's super fast in spotting the snitch."

"I'll try, but I heard Avery was planning on hitting you with a bludger," Riley said.

"Ok— wait— how do you know?" James asked as he squinted his eyes.

"I might have eavesdropped on them having a meeting, using the map..."


Soon after, the room filled up with the team. Dalton faced the chalkboard as everyone took their seats. Everyone got their broomsticks and lined up in front of the door to the pitch.

"Welcome everyone to the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin!" the new commentator announced. It was a Hufflepuff boy named Liam Blake. He introduced the teams very quickly.

"Now, as Madam Hooch blows the whistle, the quaffle is thrown and the game begins!" Liam announced. "Potter grabs the quaffle and passes it to Miller who passes it to Barry! She throws it to the hoop but no! Mulciber catches the quaffle!"

Riley got ahold of her bat and flew to the Slytherin hoops. She hit the bludger strongly with the bat and the bludger went right to Mulciber.

"Spade hits the bludger towards Mulciber and he drops the quaffle! Barry takes the quaffle and passes it to Potter and... SCORE! 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor's cheered as they scored the first goal. 

"And now the game continues! The seekers still haven't spotted the snitch, maybe they need to see an optician— I mean, Parkinson is going for the score and Dalton is aiming to catch it— HE MISSED IT! Slytherin scores!"

Riley looked over to Dalton who was now cursing to himself for missing the quaffle. He never really missed the goal but he was probably distracted. 

"Alright, Potter takes the quaffle right after Parkinson scored, he is flying towards the hoop and scores! Gryffindor is now 20 and Slytherin is at 10 points!"

Right as the Gryffindor's started to cheer and chant, Avery was right behind James. He carefully looked at the bludger and swung his bat and hit it towards James. He didn't even see it coming but as the bludger got close, Riley flew towards the bludger and made the bludger fly towards the Slytherin Keeper.

"Spade hits the bludger away from Potter!" Blake announced. Riley then went in a different direction to protect her teammates from the bludgers but missed the one coming towards her. The bludger hit her knee. She held her knee with one hand as she tried to ignore the pain.

"Bludger hits Gryffindor beater Spade but she didn't fall off her broom!"

The game lasted longer than usual, the score was too close that it made Riley nervous. She just hoped Felicity would catch the snitch already. Soon enough, she saw Felicity fly towards something as Regulus quickly started following her.

"Jones is after the snitch as Black is following her! As the race continues, Mulciber scores! Jones and Black are going right to the clouds and they are coming down again! JONES CAUGHT THE GOLDEN SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!"

Riley quickly got off her broom as the game ended. She must've broken her knee, it couldn't be causing this much pain if it was only a simple injury. She went to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey fixed her knee and wrapped a bandage around it.



Thank you for reading this, also I posted a new edit on my TikTok account which is about the parallels of the 1st and the 2nd wizarding wars and it's kinda flopping... Anyways, it is now 1.4K reads, and I'M SO HAPPY! THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH!



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