|71| Song, Sixth Year

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Riley sat in the bed with the ukulele in her hands. She had closed the curtains except for the one facing the window to let the light the moon reflected.

"Fuck!" she muttered as she threw the ukulele on the bed. She renewed the silencing charm and took the paper in her hand once more.

The curtain suddenly opened as a girl sat on the bed right where she threw the ukulele.

"What the hell are you doing at 3 AM?" Marlene asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"What the hell are you doing interfering my precious time for getting mad at myself?" Riley replied as she put the paper down.

"Merlin, you're angrier than ever...." Marlene said and took the ukulele. "Seriously though, what are you doing?"

"I dunno... Couldn't sleep so I decided to do something useful at least."

"Messing up your sleep schedule is useful?"

"Shut up, Marls."

"Fine, but you have to play me something since I'm awake now," Marlene said. "Pleeeeeeeease?"

Riley chuckled and took the ukulele from Marlene. She placed her hands on the strings and took a deep breath as she started to sing.

I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do
They're really saying
I love you

I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Marlene watched in awe as Riley smiled and put the ukulele back onto the bed.

"You should sing at Lily and James' wedding," Marlene said. Riley just laughed.

"If James doesn't die of anxiety when he tries to ask Lily out, maybe they'll end up together," Riley teased. "So are you dating someone?"

"Not really."

"Not really?" Riley asked laughingly. "So you fancy a boy?"

Marlene swallowed. She just looked around and then to Riley.

"There is someone I fancy."

"Then that someone is very lucky!"

"But I wouldn't say that it's a boy."

Riley stuttered as she realized.

"Oh— I— I didn't know, I didn't mean to force you to tell me—"

"I really needed to tell this to someone," Marlene said. "I don't really fancy boys, I like girls..."

"Marls— that's great!" Riley said as she put her hand on Marlene's shoulder. "I mean, boys are arseholes."

Marlene chuckled.

"So who's the lucky girl?" Riley asked. "I understand if you don't want to tell me—"

"It's Dorcas," Marlene said suddenly. Riley gasped as she let out a small scream.

"Fuck!" she said loudly. "THAT'S AMAZING!"

"Hey! Quiet!"


"I don't even know if she likes me or not—"

"Oh come on!" Riley said with a smile that reached her eyes. "Who would reject you?!"

"You're making me think that I'm a veela or something..."

"You don't have to be a veela for people to like you. Beauty isn't everything. And you're so pretty anyways."

"Aw, I never thought you could be so sweet."

"I'm not being sweet, Marls! I'm speaking the truth. And I can totally see you and Dorcas together," said Riley dreamily. "Maybe I'll sing at your wedding, who knows!"

"There's a silencing charm right?" Marlene asked laughingly.


Sirius stuck a note on the wall they created right above the empty bed in the boys dormitory. It wasn't very big so far, but it was growing.

James and Sirius had stuck the most notes and pictures on the wall so far. Peter coming in second place, followed by Remus.

Riley hadn't stuck anything so far. She didn't know why, she just guessed there wasn't anything to stick on the wall.

"Alright lads, what d'you think about my last piece of poetry?" Sirius asked as he smiled and looked at the note he stuck.

"If you keep calling us lads I will slap you in the face," said Riley sharply.

"Pads," James started as he read the thing Sirius wrote. "This is unique, I guess..."

"I implore you to write a feedback for it then."

James took a piece of parchment and wrote on it quickly. He put it right next to the poem Sirius stuck.

"Prongs!" Sirius cried. "How is 'this is crap!' going to help me improve my literature skills?!"

"I thought this wall was to put up reminders..." Peter said. "Not for dumb things."

"I wouldn't call it necessarily dumb, good job Pads, even though it makes no fucking sense," Remus said.

"Thanks, Moonshine," Sirius said quickly. Everyone looked at Sirius and then at Remus, whose face was completely red now.

"Moonshine?" asked Riley.

"He meant it sarcastically. Right, Padfoot?" Remus said quickly and mumbling each word.

"Yeah, of course, Remus."

"You two are so weird sometimes..." Peter said.

"Says the person who can turn into a rat as an animagus..." said Remus under his breath and Peter shot him an offended look.

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