|23| Truth, Third Year

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The five friends walked to the Great Hall and took their seats at the Gryffindor table.

"You're late," Marlene said. "Don't you like wake up for quidditch at seven each morning? And I know you wake up super early..." she said pointing at James first and then Riley.

"We had to go to the library," Sirius said.

"We?" Lily said surprised.

"Yeah, five of us."

"You're actually capable of going there!" Lily said.


"We have Potions now, maybe we can partner up this time Evans..." James said but was cut off by Lily's sudden reply.


"Ugh, Snivellus will be there..." Riley said with disgust.

"He's weird," Marlene said.

"See! She agrees, Lily!" Riley said.

"You should give him a chance at least."

"Not when he gets us caught by McGonagall!" Sirius said.

"Exactly!" James said.

"And he kind of is friends with those creepy Slytherins... That Crouch kid, and Malfoy. There are Mulciber and Avery as well... Their parents work for—" Remus started.

"He's not one of them. And he won't be one of them, I talked to him."

"A lot of trust there, Lil..." Dorcas said.

"Friends should be able to trust each other. Don't you five trust each other?" Lily asked.

"Of course! We would trust each other with our lives!" James said.

"But you can't trust Snape with your life, that coward," Riley said.

"I fully agree with Riley," Peter said.

"That's not what I'm trying to stay, don't get off track! He's a childhood friend of mine, we grew up in the same town. I want to trust him, that he won't turn into a death eater like the rest of them," Lily said. Riley took the glass of water in front of him to drink it but then almost spit it out.

"What the hell is wrong with this?!" she said loudly. "Is this some kind of prank?!" she said turning to James and Sirius. They shook their heads in unison. "'Cause I don't think poisoning is a prank!"

"We didn't do anything," Sirius said.

"Remember, you can trust us with your life — OW!" James started but Lily hit him with her elbow. "Look! She hit me with her elbow! Maybe you also wanna date me — OW!" Lily this time slapped him in the face.

"We'll be late, we have to look for books about animagi—" Riley said but her friends cut her off.

"Animagi?" Lily asked. "We aren't on that topic yet..."

"She meant boggart, right Riley?" Sirius said.

"No, I meant animagi."

"You are weird, all of you..." Mary said.

"Any plans for tonight?" James asked Lily.

"Yes, staying away from you," Lily said. Marlene laughed as James stared at Marlene.

"Moony sure does..." Riley said. Remus gave him a concerned look.

"What the hell, Riley?!" Remus said.

"What did she do?" Lily asked, confused.

"Nothing..." Sirius said.

"It's obviously not nothing..." Marlene said.

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