|137| The Prophecy

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24th of February, 1981

Riley quickly apparated out of the Malfoy Manor to make it in time to an order meeting.

She walked through the cabin's doors, opening them quickly. There were only five people except for Dumbledore: Lily, James (with Harry on his lap), Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

"Er — sorry for being late," apologized Riley. "Did I miss anything?"

"No, Miss Spade, you came in the perfect time," said Dumbledore calmly. She sat in the only empty seat reserved for her, then looked around at her friends, trying to understand why they were the only ones there. Harry seemed to be looking around curiously.

"Sir," said Lily. "Are we only going to be seven people today?"

"Yes, Miss Potter. There's an important matter I'd like to discuss with you."

Everyone seemed nervous, Riley rolled her shoulders.

"It is now certain that Voldemort is aware of a prophecy that was made in the past months," began Dumbledore. "A prophecy regarding to the war, or rather, someone."

Prophecy. Riley bit her lip anxiously, knowing they were never any good. Ivy Spade didn't receive a happy end when a prophecy talked about her.

"The prophecy talks about a boy born at the end of July," explained Dumbledore. Riley saw Lily flinch. James held his breath. Dumbledore looked at them both. "The prophecy talks about your son."

Riley's heart sank. Why would Voldemort care about a prophecy about an infant?

Lily gasped, James held onto Harry tighter. He shook his head in denial. "H—How do you know — why would a prophecy talk about Harry?!"

"It seems like Voldemort thinks Harry will be able to defeat him one day," said Dumbledore with a sigh.

"What — That's absurd!" said Lily. "Why would You-Know-Who want Harry?"

"As I said, Miss Potter, he thinks Harry will defeat him—"

"Sir, there must be something wrong about this," said James, still trying to remain calm, but failing. "Harry's a baby, how could a baby defeat You-Know-Who?!"

"Perhaps, he will in the future," said Dumbledore. "I gathered you all here since you were the first ones to know about the spy in the order. Now, we need to keep you safe." He looked at the three of them.

"How can you keep them safe with the war going on?" asked Sirius. "He has his followers every bloody place!"

"That's why we'll be using the Fidelius Charm," said Dumbledore. "Now, this must be kept confidential, and I need to be able to trust all of you."

All of them nodded.

"The Fidelius Charm is a very ancient spell, created to protect and hide a secret within a living soul. In your case, this secret will be your location. You will be hidden away to a different place, and even though other people might know where this place is, no one will be able to reveal anything to public, unless the secret-keeper decides to do so."

"The secret-keeper?" asked Peter curiously. He raised his eyebrows, and Riley squinted his eyes at him. He never asked questions in order meetings.

"The secret-keeper's job will be to keep the location hidden. The information will be planted in them, and they will be the only person to reveal the secret. Now, I suggest you don't tell a lot of people about this, if Voldemort finds out, he will go and hunt people to see if they are the secret-keeper."

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