|105| The Phone Talk

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Guys, it's officially the end of June for 1978 and I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED. From now on, things will start getting dark, might be more TWs for death, violence or abuse (I will put TWs at the beginning of the chapters if they occur.) I will also not put which year they are in for the chapter names, they will just be the title alone. Please comment and vote, I don't get many comments but you can always dm me or comment, they make me so happy <3 Thank you for all the support so far!!


Riley jumped off the train, looking around in the platform 9 3/4 for Madelyn Spade.

It was crowded as usual. She saw Lena Thatcher walking next to Regulus Black. She wondered if they were dating or not, but it couldn't mean good either way. Was it a part of her plan to get closer to the death eaters?

She saw Sirius and James hug Euphemia Potter, she waved at them and they waved back. Peter was also there.

She turned around suddenly as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She had a smile on her face, expecting it to be her mother. But it was a boy, a boy with dark hair and pale skin.

"Riley—" Ralph Sherman stuttered, Riley took a step away from him.

"Get away from me," she said coldly.

"No, please listen," Ralph begged.

"No!" said Riley sternly. "Don't talk to me!"

"I know I hurt you—"

"Good, and never forget that!" said Riley. She heard her voice shake a bit. She didn't have a single feeling left for him, she had no intention to forgive him.

"Look—" said Ralph but then paused.

"Are you an idiot?!" said a high-pitched voice in an American accent. It was Lena Thatcher sharply pulling Ralph away from Riley. "Do you even have a brain in there, Sherman?!"

"Let go of me, Thatcher!" said Ralph sharply as he tried breaking his arm away from Lena.

"Stay away from her!" said Lena. "How many times do I have to tell you this? She doesn't wanna talk to you! And she has a damn good reason for it!"

Riley glared at Ralph, she partly felt grateful for Lena, and partly felt humiliated because of the feeling of depending someone to save her.

"Fine," said Ralph and stormed off with a frown on his face. Riley watched him go, then looked at Lena.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Me saving your ass? Please, anytime," said Lena.

"Your didn't save my arse!" said Riley. "I could've made him go away myself!"

"I know you well, Riley. You would've felt great making him feel sad and getting your revenge, but no need for that—"

"Are you friends with him?" interrupted Riley abruptly. "You said you warned him 'many times,' what does that mean?"

"No, don't worry, I wouldn't betray my friend," said Lena with a smile. Riley rolled her eyes. "He's a dick, I'm trynna make him stay away from you so that he doesn't hurt you. Also, he's a death eater now, I don't want you near him."

"What are you, my guard?" asked Riley mockingly. "Look, I appreciate that you're trying to keep me safe but you are going too far. I can handle these on my own, and I have been doing that for almost seven years without your help, Thatcher. So don't bother talking to me unless it a part of you little plan, which still hasn't started yet," she said sharply.

"Okay, I'll just give you a call about that plan," said Lena.

"You know how to call someone on the telephone?" asked Riley.

"Not perfectly," said Lena. "It's better than the ministry tracking letters. It's also quicker." Lena walked away without a word, leaving Riley confused.

She turned around and sighed, walking around the platform. Most people had left already, she saw her mother waiting near the exit.

She ran to her pulling her into a tight hug.

"Mum!" she said excitedly. "I missed you!"

"Oh, look at my little girl, all finished with school," said Madelyn Spade. "I'm so proud of you."

"Oh, I remember Ivy getting off that train for the final time years ago," said her mum. "You remind me of her."

Riley took this as the biggest compliment someone had ever said to her. She couldn't think properly, her mother had told her she reminded her of Ivy. She felt her heart beat fast, she felt her eyes getting watery. But she just smiled warmly, hugging her once again.

"We better leave," she then said. "The gate will probably be closed in a few minutes." They walked to the other side of the wall, making their way out of the station.


30th of June, 1978

Riley heart the phone ring in the empty house. Her mother was not home, she was in the office instead. She was all alone in the house, sitting in silence.

She stood up with a sigh and answered the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Can you hear me?" asked a voice. It was Lena.

"Ugh, great," said Riley sarcastically. "It's you."

"I'm assuming you can hear me," said Lena. "I just have one question," she said.

"Make it quick."

"Are you, by any chance, free on Wednesday?"


"Just answer the question," Lena said rather nervously. She didn't sound the same, she had a tone of worry.

"I don't think so," said Riley. "Why?"

"Okay, great," said Lena. Riley didn't get it, she had just told her she was not available but Lena sounded relieved. "At what time are you not free?"

"After eight o'clock," said Riley briskly. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Not important. Then, do you wanna meet up on Tuesday?"

"Is it about—"

"There's this muggle coffee shop nearby your town, I heard it was right next to the bus stop. Maybe we can meet up there at noon?"

"How do you know where I live?"

"Does not matter. Are you free or not?"

"Yeah, I am—"

"Good. Bye."

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