|120| The Coffee Shop

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TW: Death, Injury



I cried while writing this for several reasons but okay I'm gonna let you amazing people deal with this amount of sadness. Might be the most emotional chapter for me to write. Enjoy😀


9th of September, 1978

Riley walked into the same cabin to attend the order meeting. It was early in the morning, she didn't get why Moody would call a meeting so early.

She sat silently next to Remus and waited for Moody to speak.

"A lot to do today," Mad-Eye said briskly. "The Minister of Magic will be talking to the muggle prime minister, all the disappearances are seeming a bit suspicious."

Riley then looked around the table, she noticed how some members were missing. The Prewett twins were there, Jade, Elliana, Frank, Marlene, Dorcas, Remus, and Peter were there along with a few others. She assumed the rest were on other missions.

"Barry," said Moody as he pointed at Elliana. "Go for lookout at the quidditch match today, I'll show the portkey. Miller, go along with Barry. Constant vigilance!"

"Longbottom, you can return to the — er — mission for the aurors. Inform Fortescue about the updates."

What mission?, Riley wondered.

"Meadowes," said Moody then as he pointed at Dorcas. "Potter, Black, and Evans will need help, go to Knockturn Alley."

Riley raised an eyebrow, she didn't know Lily, James, and Sirius were on a mission. And Riley knew Moody only assigned people for help when it was seriously needed. She exchanged glances with Peter. Remus probably knew, Sirius and him lived together.

"Spade, Lupin," said Moody suddenly. Riley and Remus turned around sharply. "An attack will take place at a coffee shop, a muggle coffee shop. You need to escort the muggles out of there before the death eaters arrive. Try to get out of there before they come, I've heard Rosier will be there. Here's the map."

Rosier? Wasn't he the cowardly man who stood behind Abraxas Malfoy when she went to talk to Voldemort for the first time?

Moody pulled out the map out of his pocket. His magical eye seemed a bit loose, it was almost glitching. He adjusted it, then pointed at the coffee shop he was talking about.

It was the coffee shop right next to Pine Road near the bus stop.

"Th—that's the coffee shop you're talking about?" asked Riley as she stuttered.

"Yes, now move! Pettigrew, go along, it might be hard to convince the muggles to get outta there. Lupin, I'll send a patronus later for the twenty-seventh."

Riley felt so clueless, there were so many thing going on which she had no idea about. All the eyes turned to Remus who just turned away and walked out the door as he nodded nervously.

"What's on the twenty-seventh?" asked Peter as the three of them got out of the cabin.

"A mission," said Remus quietly.

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