|58| Career, Fifth Year

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20th of April, 1976

Ash curled up on Riley's lap. She was trying to take notes for Potions but the cat was too cute to ignore with his grey face and long whiskers. Riley started petting him as she tried to take notes simultaneously but it didn't seem to work so she put her quill down.

It was another night in the Gryffindor common room with all the five friends taking notes for the upcoming OWLs.

"I wish I didn't take Muggle Studies..." James muttered under his breath. "I don't care about this shit!"

"Why did you even bother to take it anyways?" Riley asked.

"To impress Lily, but I failed!"

"Wow... Bummer..."

"Oi! You're taking Arithmancy! How do you even manage to keep up with all those numbers and shit?" asked Sirius.

"Dunno. I'm fine with it. Glad I didn't take Ancient Runes like some..." she said as she looked over to Remus.

"I enjoy it! Alright?" he said.

"I have a meeting with McGonagall tomorrow about my future career... I already know what I wanna do, it's useless!" said Riley.

"I had mine today, I told her I wanted to be a chaser for quidditch and she didn't really say anything, she said my grades didn't matter for it," explained James. "But I don't wanna fail any classes..."


Riley walked over to McGonagall's office for the career talk. She knocked on the door and heard the professor say 'come in.'

"Ms. Spade, sit," she said. Riley sat on the chair right across her desk. "I assume you know why I called you here."

"Yes, Professor. Although, I already have something in my mind for my future," explained Riley.

"Oh, that's good to hear. Usually, when we call students to discuss this matter, they are clueless!" McGonagall said with a small smile. "What do you have in your mind?"

"Well— I was thinking of becoming a healer," said Riley. McGonagall squinted her eyes, raised her eyebrows. She looked at the paper in front of her, then to Riley. She looked rather puzzled.

"A healer?" she asked.

"Yes, professor... Is there a problem?"

"No," McGonagall said. "I didn't expect to hear that from you."

Riley didn't really understand what the professor was talking about. Being a healer has been her dream for three years and she thought McGonagall knew this. She already knew the working circumstances, qualifications, and so much more from Ivy.

"Why, exactly?" asked Riley politely.

"Well, when I look at your grades so far, you seem to be very skilled in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. In order to become a healer, you need to receive an 'Outstanding' or 'Exceeds Expectations' from Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Charms," McGonagall said and adjusted her small glasses. "Your grades in Herbology are mostly passing."

"I'm studying for the exams very hard, Professor. It has been my dream to become a healer for three years now," Riley defended herself.

"So you are not suggesting that your sister influenced your dream to become a healer?" asked McGonagall as she took out her glasses and looked at Riley.

Riley thought about this for a moment. She remembered the day Ivy came home after she got a job in St. Mungo's. She looked excited, very happy. Though she remembered how she came home, exhausted.

Riley had always looked up to Ivy, she hoped to become a person like her. Her plan in becoming like her never was replacing her in any way. She wished she was alive right now, sending her letters every weekend.

She still cried sometimes, when everyone in the dorm was fast asleep. She couldn't get over it, she never was going to. But she knew she had to move on. Maybe she was taking 'moving on' too seriously, maybe she needed to grieve without hiding and trapping her feelings inside.

"I— I never thought about it that way," she said finally, quietly. "I mean— she must have, but it doesn't mean she was forcing me to become a Healer, it is my choice..."

"Of course it is, Riley. I'm just saying that you might have been affected by her, this doesn't have to be something rather negative. Maybe you'll be a very successful healer one day," McGonagall said. "But I think there might be more suitable jobs for you."

"Is this because I hate Herbology?" asked Riley sarcastically.

"Knowing your personality, you might do better in a more active position."


"I'm not talking about becoming a quidditch player. If that's what you want, go ahead. But have you considered other jobs?" she asked. "Because it seems like you're limiting yourself with this."

Riley didn't really understand what she was talking about. She wanted to be a healer, it clear with it.

"Limiting myself?" she repeated quietly.

"Yes, I understand you want to follow Ivy's footsteps, but have you thought about other positions except for healer?" McGonagall asked. "Again, knowing your personality, you might be able to do a more compelling job, maybe an auror?"

Riley didn't reply.

"To become an auror, you need to be tough, you need to stay strong, which I strongly think that you'll be able to achieve. You also need five NEWT classes, including Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, which again, you'll be able to get the required grades," McGonagall explained.

"I'm not trying to lead you in this certain way. I just want what's best for you. It's your choice after all," McGonagall said. Riley let that sink in for a while.

"Th— thank you, Professor," Riley said quietly and then left the room. She went to the Gryffindor common room. She took some paper from the same drawer next to her bed.

"21st of April, 1976" she wrote on the paper with the same blue marker.

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