|31| The Commentator, Fourth Year

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It was the first quidditch match of the season and the pitch was divided into two: the gold and scarlet dressed people who kept chanting and cheering, and the green and silver dressed people who kept booing.

"Who is the commentator this time?" James asked as they waited for the doors to open.

"I don't know... Sadie graduated last year," Riley replied. "I wonder who it is..."

"Also, Narcissa left and they have a new chaser on the team now!" James said.

"Right! That's good, she was good at the game," Riley said with excitement.

The doors to the pitch opened and the players took their places as Madam Hooch looked at them. Then, a familiar voice spoke loudly.

"Erm — oh — so the game is about to begin, I think?" the voice said to the megaphone. "The players — right! So we have Regulus Black as the seeker for Slytherin, and there's a new chaser replacing Narcissa Black, Samuel Fizz. That's all I really know but for the Gryffindor team, there's James Potter as a chaser, and Will Dalton as a keeper, Riley Spade as a beater, Jade Miller and Elliana Barry as chasers, I don't know who the other beater is but that doesn't really matter, right?"

Riley looked at James who was also trying to understand why they chose this new person for the commentator. They turned to see who was this mystery person to see their friend: Remus Lupin.

Riley raised her eyebrows and bit her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud. Why was he the commentator? He absolutely hated everything to do with quidditch, there must be a mistake. She didn't think he knew the rules...

"So — the game really begins this time because Hooch — I mean, Madam Hooch — threw the quaffle into the air and... YES! POTTER GETS THE QUAFFLE!" Remus shouted. "He scores the first score of the game! Go, James!"

McGonagall looked at Remus, the shy boy she knew was completely different now.

"Mr. Lupin — I suggest you calm down—"


"MR. LUPIN!" McGonagall said loudly. "You'll receive detention if you continue!"

Riley laughed as Remus continued to commentate. She kept protecting her teammates from the bludgers instead of hitting them towards other players, considering the things that might happen or have happened after. She didn't want Walburga Black shouting at her face again.

After a while, Slytherin was losing against Gryffindor. The seekers had no idea where the snitch was and the chasers and the beaters just kept playing.

"Regulus Black spots the snitch!" Remus announced. "If Felicity isn't fast enough then we'll all lose come on don't be lazy, Felicity — BLUDGER HITS FELICITY JONES! THAT FUCKING BEATER, THAT'S CHEATING! YOU IDIOT! RILEY, COME ON! WHY DIDN'T YOU HIT THE BLUDGER TOWARDS THEM! THIS SHIT IS—" Remus continued but McGonagall took the megaphone away from him.

"Detention Mr. Lupin! For a month!" she shouted. "Mr. Black! You continue!" McGonagall said as she handed the megaphone over to Sirius.

"Hello everyone, I've replaced the commentator who had very good points about the game! Now, Felicity fell off her broom and Mulciber scores! Let's see if my mother's favorite, my perfect brother Reggie will be able to catch the snitch! You know Regulus, if mum hated you as much as she hated me, then you'd be fine with running away, but you're her favorite and they think I'm a disgrace to the family for being a Gryffindor and—" Sirius said as he completely forgot about the game.

"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! DETENTION!" McGonagall said with anger. "Ms. McKinnon! Please continue..."

"Alright, so Black is currently right after the snitch! And if he catches it then the filthy Slytherins will win! Aaaaaand... SHIT! HE CAUGHT THE SNITCH! THESE FILTHY CHEATERS! SLYTHERIN WINS... I HATE YOU! ALL OF YOU!" Marlene's voice echoed as McGonagall was now taking deep breaths as she took the megaphone away from her as well.

After the game was over James was furious, not at the team though. He hated losing although they didn't lose much. They couldn't find him once and it turned out that he was hiding under the invisibility cloak. They couldn't find him for hours until Peter accidentally sat on him.

After a long speech from Dalton, the team was dismissed and they went to the Gryffindor common room.

"See see... Look at the perfect commentators from today's game!" Riley said as she smiled widely. "Very impressive commenting skills on quidditch! Especially from Moony!"

"Seriously you hate quidditch why were you the commentator?" James asked.

"Apparently, there was another student from Hufflepuff in our year who was supposed to commentate but he backed out the last minute so McGonagall wanted me to be the commentator instead, now I have detention for a month..."

"Also, Sirius and Marlene too, great work you guys!" Riley said sarcastically.

"You're sure you're fine with Regulus being—" James started but Sirius shook his head.

"I couldn't care less really."

"It didn't seem like it—" Peter said but Riley looked at him and he got quiet.

"It's almost Christmas break, are you going home?" Marlene asked.

"No, I'm not!" Sirius answered.

"I'm not going either," Remus said.

"I am, Peter is going too!" James said. "You can come to my house again if you want to?"

"I'm going home!" Riley said.

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